Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taige Crenshaw
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
table then grabbed them and hurried to her home office just off the living room. She tucked them away in her desk drawer, then went back and sat on the couch. She reclined, smiling as she heard Spencer singing along with the CD as he cleaned the kitchen. Soon, the music cut off and he entered the living room. Regina grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Leaning back, she selected a station.
    “For the love of God. I can’t escape from Bones .”
    “What? It’s a new episode. You like this show.” She stared at him, confused.
    “I do, but Dris is even more in love with it than you are.” Spencer grinned. “I remember the marathon weekends you all made me sit through of all the seasons.”
    “I like the show.” Regina smiled tightly and shrugged. “If you don’t want to watch you can go to bed.”
    “I didn’t say I didn’t want to watch.” Spencer frowned. He came towards her and sat at the other end of the couch.
    Damn it. Way to go, Regina. Regina looked at the distance between them and wondered how they would ever bridge it. There was so much between them.
    * * * *
    Days later, Regina leant back against her chair in her office at Moments and wondered what had happened to no silence. After that first night, it had started to feel like it had just before Spencer had left for over a year. In the last few days when she’d got home, Spencer was already there, but getting ready to leave to go to work. He’d had enough time to have dinner with her, then watch a little TV before leaving. The comfort that they had experienced in the first part of his return home had been absent. They were like two strangers in a house—it wasn’t a feeling she enjoyed at all. It had led to his leaving, and she feared it would happen again.
    “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, Reggie,” someone with a masculine voice spoke close to her ear.
    She jumped then glanced guiltily at Blake Reynolds, the vendor they used for linens. “Sorry. I’m distracted.”
    “I can see that. Usually, you’re the one who is going so fast I have trouble keeping up.”
    “I’m”—Regina rubbed her fingers down the bridge of her nose—“out of sorts.”
    “Reggie.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “If you need to talk, I’m here.”
    She patted his hand. “Thanks, Blake. I appreciate it. I’ll figure it out.”
    “I’m here for you anytime, Reggie,” he said in a low voice.
    Regina’s eyes widened as she realised what he meant. “Blake, I’m married.” She showed him her hand with her ring.
    “I know. And from what I have gleaned, he left you. He’s a fool.” Blake shook his head. “A damn fool.”
    “Well, this damn fool is here to have lunch with his wife.” Spencer’s tone was cheerful.
    Regina recognised it was false and heard the fury in it. She stood, moving away from Blake. “Spencer. I wasn’t expecting you.”
    “Obviously.” Spencer was staring at Blake.
    She glanced at Blake and saw him grin. Regina blinked when she realised he was deliberately baiting Spencer. She approached the very handsome man and smacked him on the arm.
    “Quit it. Be nice to Spencer. Don’t act all pompous.”
    “Ah, the wayward husband.” Blake winked at her then strode over to Spencer, putting out his hand. “Blake Reynolds.”
    “Spencer Jacobs. Reggie’s husband. I see you know my wife .” Spencer looked at her, then back to Blake. “Are you pompous?”
    Regina relaxed as Spencer’s tone became his normal one.
    “Sometimes. Are you done being wayward?” Blake replied.
    “ Blake !” She pointed at the door. “Go bother Dakota.”
    “Sure.” Blake left, whistling.
    “Who is he?”
    “I don’t think I like your tone.” Regina crossed her arms over her chest. “Or the insinuation. Where the hell did you pop in from, anyway?”
    “You were too focused on the joker.” He jerked his thumb behind him where Blake had exited. “You didn’t notice when I came up the side porch to your office…my usual

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