Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online

Book: Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taige Crenshaw
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
that included their favourite songs. They’d made new ones each year they had been together and she’d been playing the years at random. “I was feeling melancholy,” she muttered, then went back to her chopping.
    “These mushrooms are going to be so delicious,” she said, giving him a pointed look.
    Spencer rolled his eyes and muttered. “You and your fungus.”
    “Don’t act like you don’t like them too.” She held out a piece.
    Spencer came closer and opened his mouth. She popped it in and smiled. They froze, and Regina blinked at how normal they seemed. So familiar, although they hadn’t done this in almost two years. Regina leaned closer to complete the kiss that would follow. Spencer’s gaze deepened, and he leant forward.

Chapter Three
    Spencer cleared his throat, moving back. “I’ll grill the steaks. What did you marinate them in this time?”
    It took her a moment to clear the fog of need. “You’ll have to guess,” she teased.
    Although she missed kissing him and wanted to taste him badly, she would wait. Regina felt some of her tension drain at the familiar banter. Sometimes they liked to surprise each other with what they prepared and it was fun to have him try to figure out what she’d used as ingredients to cook.
    “I’m better at it. Dris has been expanding my culinary repertoire.” Spencer lifted the container, opened it and smelt it.
    Regina stiffened as she heard his brother’s name then forced herself to relax. “Really? We’ll see.”
    “We will.” Spencer went to the grill and started to cook the steaks.
    Finished chopping, Regina headed to the stereo then picked some music and put the CDs in, pressing to start it again. She watched as Spencer paused, listening. When the song came on, he smiled and nodded. Regina stood watching him as One by Mary J. Blige and U2 played. It was one of their favourite songs. She finally looked away and returned to preparing the mushrooms and onions to top their steaks. As they sizzled in the pan, she listened to Spencer whistle then start to sing softly along with the song.
    “You have a wonderful voice,” she said softly. “I’ve missed hearing you sing.”
    “Do you know what I missed?” The intensity of Spencer’s voice made her look at him. “When you’d dance along while I sang.”
    Her breath caught. Then she cleared her throat. “I don’t—”
    “Do that anymore. I know. Dancing has been a part of your life for as long as I have known you. Hell, there was a time everyone thought you would do it professionally.”
    “I know. But my dream changed,” Regina sputtered.
    “It did. But even when it did, you still danced just for the hell of it. I remember the times we spent in your dance studio down the hall, you dancing for fun while I played my guitar and sang. Those were moments I loved. You even choreographed for Driscoll and Belle. And for Moments.” Spencer stared at her, his dark blue gaze serious. “When was the last time you danced, Reggie? The last time you even went into your studio? It’s just down the hall, Reggie. Let’s go to it now.”
    She flinched and looked away, focusing on the pan and not him. The music played, but the easy feeling was gone.
    Spencer sighed, a long sound, and Regina clenched her fist, hating it. At that moment, she hated him for pointing out what had been lacking in her life for years. Three years, to be exact. When everything had changed and that damn silence came. She finished the onions and he the steaks. Mechanically, she plated the potatoes then set small bowls with different toppings on the table. He brought the steaks and placed one on each plate. Regina got the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge, snagged cups then brought them to table, setting the pitcher so they could both reach it. Finally, they sat and when he lowered his head, she quickly murmured grace. She lifted her head and met his gaze, her heart feeling like it was in her throat. She wondered if one

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