Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness

Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness by Adam Wallace Read Free Book Online

Book: Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness by Adam Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Wallace
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
out-of-this-world beautiful. Pete recalled the time he had first met Ashlyn, when she had been a slave of the King, dressed in rags, underfed and in despair. Now she looked alive, radiant and totally in love. He grinned. She was so excited about this wedding. It had been funny watching her plan it all, right down to the last detail. And now here she was, walking towards Marloynne, her one true love. Surely nothing could go wrong now …
    Something went wrong.
    Ashlyn was walking down the aisle when a strange looking little man in a cape snuck out in front of her and placed a banana peel on the ground.
    Syra Tanooth knew the ‘Here Comes the Bride’ song … the kids’ version, that is.
    Ashlyn was looking around at the crowd. Everyone else was looking at Ashlyn. No one saw the banana peel. It was only ten metres from Marloynne and the altar.
    Ashlyn stepped on the banana peel. She was dressed in white. She slipped on the banana peel and went for a ride. There was another gasp from every member of the crowd … except for Syra Tanooth and Bob, who giggled in delight: it had gone perfectly. It got better.
    Ashlyn crashed into Pete McGee who swung his arm up to try and balance. All that did was whack Marloynne in the eye. Marloynne cried out and stepped backwards … straight onto the toe of the celebrant, who yelped in pain and hopped on one foot. Unfortunately, he hopped straight into the table that held the marriage certificates and whacked his shin. He howled out again and fell to the ground, knocking over a giant vase of flowers. Water gushed out of the vase, running all over everyone’s shoes … and all over Ashlyn’s wedding dress.
    As everyone tried to pick themselves up, get dry and rub their sore spots, Syra Tanooth walked and Bob slid and slithered to the front of the crowd.
    â€˜Gentlemen and female gentlemen, my name is Syra Tanooth, and I am the Master of Darkness !’
    He paused, waiting for a response, but people were still helping Ashlyn stand up, and putting ice on the celebrant’s shin, so they didn’t really hear him.
    â€˜I said, you nincomstoops,’ Syra tried again, in a louder voice this time, ‘That I am Syra Tanooth, the Darkness Master !’
    â€˜Jolly good show, Syra,’ Bob whispered out of the corner of his mouth. ‘But I am rather sure you said Master of Darkness the first time, and Darkness Master the second.’
    â€˜I know,’ Syra whispered back out of the corner of his mouth. ‘I am creating confusion and chaos in their minds. Watch this.’
    He stood up as tall as he could, raised his hands to the sky, chanted a few magic words and suddenly the wedding was covered in darkness. It was as if the sun had burnt out. Everyone gasped one more time and stared up at the sky. Pete, standing with Molloy, Tahnee and Smithers, also looked up, wondering what was going on.
    â€˜Yes, future slaves,’ Syra said. ‘I have your attention now.’
    â€˜Who said that?’ someone cried out.
    â€˜Who’s speaking?’ cried another.
    â€˜I can’t see anything.’
    â€˜Where’s my mummy?’
    â€˜I think I peed my pants.’
    â€˜ENOUGH!’ Syra thundered. ‘I am the Master of Darkness , and unless your great hero Pete McGee dares to face me, you shall live your lives forever in the dark.’
    Pete tried to move forward, but Tahnee held him back.
    â€˜Wait a second, Pete,’ she whispered, having figured out that Syra was the voice in the sky they’d heard earlier. ‘Let’s see if he has any patience.’
    Pete nodded and stayed where he was. Meanwhile, Bob had slithered over the top of Marloynne and was holding him captive in his slimy grip. He had also attempted to slide over Ashlyn, but in the dark it was hard to see, and he actually slid over someone else.
    â€˜Listen closely, Pete McGee. My evil sidekick, Bob, has your wedding …

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