Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness

Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness by Adam Wallace Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Pete McGee and the Master of Darkness by Adam Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Wallace
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
been an insult, Molloy was actually back in rhyming slang mode, and chicken = cluck = rhyming slang for suck. So he was calling Smithers a suck, a teacher’s pet, a kiss arse … ooops, don’t think I’m allowed to say that one. Ummmm, okay, well, let’s move on to less rude words shall we?)
    â€˜Thank you, Your Majesty,’ Pete said, bowing. ‘Thy kindness shall not be forgotten.’
    The King nodded.
    â€˜Thou art brave, Pete McGee. Your love for your mother and friends will take you far along your journey, but in the end it is something else that will see you are victorious.’
    Pete was about to ask what the ‘something’ was, but it was too late. The King turned and walked back to the castle, his assistants following. Oh well, Pete thought, he’d figure it out. He always did. This was just like his first journey, where it was the things he discovered along the way that enabled him to triumph in the end.
    There was one ‘person’ he needed to consult before taking off on his journey though. He headed off towards his house, his friends by his side. It was time to reopen the Green Book.

Chapter Eleven
    Open wide, come inside, it’s the Green Book
    P ete McGee sat on his bed with the Green Book in his lap. It was dark in his room, as the spell Syra Tanooth had cast still remained over the town. Pete lit a candle and shut the window to block out the breeze.
    Pete’s friends were in the kitchen. He had told them he needed some time alone. It felt like so long ago that he had sat with his mother and Ashlyn and opened the Green Book for the first time. In a way it hadn’t been that long, only around three years, but so much had happened since then; Pete felt as though he had lived a lifetime.
    And now here he was once more. On his first journey, the Green Book had proven itself both a help and a hindrance, and Pete was wary about opening it again. He knew the Green Book would present challenges he may not want to face.
    In the end though, he thought to himself, that was what often helped him make the right decisions. A knight must face challenges others shy away from, and he must rise to those challenges no matter the odds.
    And so he opened the Green Book.
    It yawned.
    â€˜Nice kitty … I mean, what? Who? Oh, young McGee, ahem, yes, ah I was just having the loveliest dream. Ahem. Sorry, I haven’t spoken in a while. About three years, would you say?’
    Pete smiled in spite of the stressful situation he was in. The Green Book always tried to get some sympathy for not being read.
    â€˜It has been three years, almost to the day,’ Pete replied. ‘And now I am in need of your help once more. It is time that you and your brilliant skills were put to use.’
    It was pretty dodgy flattery, but it worked. Pete could almost feel the Green Book puff out its chest.
    â€˜Yes, my skills are being wasted while I sit on that shelf. It is so dusty and the other books are so boring. You can’t have a conversation with any of them; they just sit there. Even if they could speak I don’t know that they would say anything of interest to me.’
    Pete couldn’t wait any longer.
    â€˜Mum’s been kidnapped,’ he blurted out. ‘Marloynne too. Some guy and his pet blob have taken them to … I don’t know where. I have to save them. But I have to find out more about the kidnappers first. I have to know what I’m up against.’
    The Green Book stroked its beard, thoughtfully … well, as in it would have if it had a beard. Or a chin. Or arms.
    â€˜Hmmmmm, blob you say? And tell me about this other person. Did he have a name?’
    Pete nodded.
    â€˜He said he is the Darkness Master , and then he made the sky black out. His actual name was Sore Tooth or something, I don’t know, I didn’t quite catch it. But Master of Darkness , that was what he said, for sure.’
    â€˜I see,’ the

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