Prohibited: an erotic novel

Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donnee Patrese
Tags: Erótica
pretended it was wonderful and we used to do it all the time. I never told him that I felt nothing. Nothing. It was only when I was alone with my thoughts and fantasies that I could feel something.
    Sex was the only reason we were in therapy. I just couldn’t see how therapy was going to make me change my mind about how many times or how much sex I wanted.
    I pulled in front of the school and realized that the only spot to park was in front and I would have to parallel park. I hated parallel parking!
    I mean, try parallel parking in these painful heels.
    Lincoln Academy was one of the most prestigious high schools in the state. Michael and I chose very carefully. Public school was not an option. Our children were privileged and we wanted their education to be the same.
    We wanted our boys to have the best and Lincoln was the best. The curriculum was extraordinary and the class sizes were smaller allowing each student to have more one on one time with the teachers.
    Getting a chance to rub elbows with some of the richest and smartest families was just a bonus.
    I was finally able to figure out this parallel parking thing and parked in front of a Bentley and behind a Lamborghini.
    See what I mean about this school?
    I sat back in my seat and waited for Mitchell to run his defiant self between the doors and to my car. A group of kids ran out of the school as if they were being held prisoner.
    I spotted Mitchell easily. His long dark hair could really use a haircut. He saw my car and casually walked to it taking his time. I noticed as he approached that his pristine white shirt was no longer immaculate.
    I sighed.
    I rolled down the window as he approached the car.
    “Mitchell, what did you do to that shirt?” I asked.
    The white uniform top that he was wearing was covered in dark brown smut. There was no way I was letting him get in my car with all that dirt. My son just looked at me and smiled. I cringed when he hopped in the car and cloud of dust followed him. After struggling for a bit, I pulled out of my parking spot and drove up the boulevard.
    “No big deal mom!”
    “Mitchell you tell me what happened now or no video games tonight.”
    The smile from Mitchell’s face faded and his eyes traveled downward.
    He sighed.
    “Well?” I said getting a little bit more than frustrated.
    “I was wrestling with Dave and fell in the dirt.” He explained.
    He looked up at me and flashed me a smile. I was not amused.
    “Amusing, my dear child, how you get extremely dirty today when it is time to take you shopping for new clothing.” I said stopping at the red light. He turned and looked at me.
    “I totally forgot mom.” He said pretending to be sad however I could see the laughter in his eyes.
    I was not fazed.
    “Well it does not matter we are still going shopping.” I said putting my foot on the gas.
    “But mom…” he said acting as dramatic as a fifteen year old boy could be.
    Twenty-five minutes later, I was sitting near the dressing rooms in one of the most fashionable department stores waiting on Mitchell to try on a shirt.
    “Mom,” my youngest son whined. “This shirt is ugly.”
    Mitchell stood in front of the mirror tugging at the blue and red plaid top I gave him to try.
    “Mitchell, it is a very nice shirt. The colors look great on you.”
    Taking Mitchell shopping is always an enormous problem. Lately I have had to take him shopping more often. He is growing like a weed. It seems like we are always shopping with this one. Not that I am complaining about shopping.
    I loved to shop. Sometimes I think that I am addicted to shopping. But when you have the lifestyle I have, the funds that I have and the people to impress like our family does you have to keep up with the latest fashions and designs.
    “I’m taking this shirt off.” He said heading for the dressing

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