Prohibited: an erotic novel

Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donnee Patrese
Tags: Erótica
    I sighed.
    We go through this every time I take him shopping. I would give up and leave it up to his dad, but I am terrified of what would happen. I know Michael would let him walk out with whatever he wanted and my son would come home with Lord knows what. I could not let that happen. We have a reputation to uphold.
    I sat on the chair by the dressing rooms waiting for Mitchell to get dressed. I looked around the store and watched a sales clerk try to sell a young blonde woman a very hideous dress. The dress was a weird shade of green with purple stripes and polka dots.
    I cringed as I watched the young woman walk towards the dressing rooms and my way. She passed and I noticed that she was gorgeous.
    I could not take my eyes off her.
    She noticed me watching and smiled. I became warm all over.
    I smiled back.
    For a moment I had a disturbing thought. I quickly dismissed it and looked away a little flushed.
    I had nearly forgotten Mitchell was still in the dressing room. I looked down at my watch and realized Mitchell has been in that room for over ten minutes. I got up and walked over to the door.
    I knocked.
    “Mitchell, come out of there.” I said very quietly. I didn’t want to make a scene. There was silence coming from the room. I knocked on the door harder this time. Mitchell swings the door open and walks out.
    “Let’s go find you some more clothes.”
    He sighed and we head back to the young men’s section.
    I don’t think this section of the department store will hold him much longer. Pretty soon we will have to shop in the men’s department. Yes men’s!  He is a big boy. I expect that he will be taller than his dad soon.
    After buying Mitchell a decent amount of clothes that I am sure he probably does not like, we headed out of the store and toward the car. I noticed the young woman getting into her car. She detected my gaze and smiled at me again.
    I didn’t smile back.
    Instead, I ushered Mitchell into the car. He climbed into the passenger seat and slammed the door.
    No I do not think that he liked the clothes.
    I climbed into the driver seat. I put on my seat belt and started the car. I looked over and saw Mitchell did not have on his seat belt.
    “Mitchell put on your seat belt.” I told him.
    He ignored me gazing out of the window.
    “Mitchell, we are not leaving until you put on your seat belt.”
    He didn’t look at me, but he reached over and put on his seat belt. We rode the entire trip home in silence.
    I walked through the front door and dropped my bags. Margaret would know what to do with them I thought. Mitchell trotted upstairs to his room and I followed.
    I walked in to my bedroom to freshen up for dinner. I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped out of my red heels. I rubbed my feet and heaved a sigh relief. Those shoes were killing me, but I looked great in them.
    I take off my shirt and skirt and neatly folded them. I placed them in the hamper and headed for the walk-in closet. I walked inside and grab a clean pair of black slacks and a black blouse.
    I decided I needed a shower. The warm water felt so good on my body and I felt refreshed. After drying off and blow-drying my dark black hair, I walked from the bathroom in just a towel to find Michael sitting on our bed.
    “It must have been a nice shower because you look rejuvenated.” He said adjusting his position.
    He wore black slacks and a navy blue collared shirt. He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs spread open in a manly stance.
    I was starting to feel a little uneasy watching him like that. By the way he was sitting I could tell what he wanted and I was not in the mood to fight with him. I decided to ignore the signals he was shooting at me like daggers and walked over to the dresser to grab some panties.
    I did not look back at him, but I could tell he had moved from

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