Prohibited: an erotic novel

Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online

Book: Prohibited: an erotic novel by Donnee Patrese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donnee Patrese
Tags: Erótica
we were dating, I gave him sex whenever he wanted it even though I didn’t like it. I thought sex was overrated and was sometimes a waste. My mother said that sex was an essential part in getting a wealthy man to marry you.
    We never had much growing up and she insisted that if I wanted to make a better life for myself I needed to fulfill a wealthy man’s needs. Once you were married there was no longer a need for sex with the exception of having children. It was her way of convincing me…
    So I gave Michael what he wanted when he wanted until I just couldn’t take it anymore. Eventually I got what I wanted, two beautiful children, a beautiful house and a financially stable standard of living.
    In the beginning, some days we never left the room. Sometimes I would think that he was obsessed with sex. Now, there are other women giving him the sex that he needs.
    It’s a relief.
    “Well how often do you and Mark have sex?” Selena asked taking a sip of her espresso trying to take the pressure off herself.
    Shannon smiled as if in her mind she could see herself engaging in the act.
    I rolled my eyes.
    “At least three or four times a week.” She said boastfully.
    A quiet gasp escaped from Selena’s mouth. Selena and I just stared at Shannon in disbelief.
    Seriously? Would you have time for anything else having sex that often? Goodness!
    “Really?” I blurted.
    All eyes turned to me.
    “What?” I asked sitting back in my chair.
    Alexis smiled.
    “Michael is a virile and gorgeous man, Maria. I know you two have to have sex more often than Shannon and Mark.” Alexis said folding her arms across her chest.
    “I know we would if that man was my husband. Forget three times a week, more like every night!” Shannon said.
    I wanted to slap her.
    “Why do you sound so shocked at how often they-- make whoopee?” Alexis said.
    Shannon looked amused. Selena looked relieved they were back on my case.
    “I am not shocked.” I said chuckling completely telling a lie.
    “I am just wondering how they would have so much time for that with how often Mark works.”
    “Michael works a lot. I don’t see what the difference is,” Alexis said disbelievingly crossing her arms across her chest.
    “So how often do you and Michael have sex?” Shannon asked.
    I was not sure what to say. Will they see through my facade? I knew they would not understand? I just don’t really want a man on top of me sweating and getting me all gross and hot. To endure that three or four times a week seems like torture.
    Before I could answer, the alarm on my cell phone went off.
    Saved by the bell!
    “Well ladies, it’s getting late and I need to pick Mitchell up from school.” I said getting up from the table.
    I rushed out of the restaurant as fast as I could.
    Before I could reach my car I heard a voice call my name.
    “Maria, wait!” Selena said running towards me as fast she could in heels.
    I stopped and waited for her to catch up.
    “What is going on?” I asked as she reached me.
    “I was just hoping that you were free for dinner tonight. Since my divorce and James is off to college, I’m virtually alone and I could use the company.”
    As much as I would love to spend some alone time with Selena, I had to think. I had spent quite a lot of time out with the girls lately and I miss having dinner with my son.
    “Sorry, I need to have dinner with the boys tonight. Maybe we could do it some other time.”
    Sure okay.” She said looking disappointed. “Well call me later,”
    I headed for my car.
    I was glad to have an excuse to leave I thought as I headed toward the private high school. I hated talking about sex. I have never told anybody, but I do not enjoy it. When I lost my virginity to Michael for the first time I realized that it was not all that it was cracked up to be.

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