Resurrection Blues

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Book: Resurrection Blues by Arthur Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arthur Miller
doubt she’d have mentioned Jack to her father.
    FELIX: That’s his name—Jack?
    STANLEY: Well one of them. Jack Brown. But he’s got others . . . depending.
    FELIX: We believe his name is Juan Manuel Francisco Frederico Ortuga de Oviedo. Although up in the villages some of them call him Ralph.
    STANLEY: Possible. He changes names so he won’t turn into like . . . you know . . . some kind of celebrity guru.
    FELIX: Well, that’s unusual, isn’t it. Now tell me how he escaped from jail.
    STANLEY: I really can’t talk about that.
    FELIX: How did he get out, Stanley?
    STANLEY: He doesn’t like people talking about it.
    FELIX: About what?
    STANLEY, conflicted, shifts in his chair: I’m really not comfortable talking about that part of it.
    FELIX: I don’t want to have to persuade you, Stan. How did he escape?
    STANLEY: Well . . . is this something you’re insisting on?
    FELIX: This is something I’m insisting on.
    STANLEY: . . . He went through the walls.
    FELIX: And how did he do that?
    STANLEY: You’re asking me so I’m telling you, right? He has terrific mind control, he can see space.
    FELIX: Anybody can see space.
    STANLEY: No. What you see is the borders, like the walls of a room, or mountains. Pure space is only an idea, so he can think it out of existence. But he doesn’t want it spread around too much.
    FELIX: Why’s that?
    STANLEY: If he gets known as a magician he thinks it could take away from his main message.
    FELIX: Which is what, in a few words?
    STANLEY: Well, you know . . . just don’t do bad things. Especially when you know they’re bad. Which you mostly do.
    FELIX: You like women?
    STANLEY: Well I’m . . . yeah, I guess I’m kind of on the horny side.
    FELIX: You ever light up with them?
    STANLEY: Me? Well there’ve been times when I almost feel I have, but . . . I guess I’ve never blinded any of them.
    FELIX, some embarrassment: I want to talk to him, Stanley. For personal reasons.
    STANLEY: Well, if he shows up, I’ll tell him.
    FELIX, attempting cool: . . . I want you to emphasize the personal. Let him pick a place and I’ll meet him alone.
    STANLEY, realizing: . . . Oh!
    FELIX: I’m interested in discussing the whole situation. You understand?
    STANLEY:—Okay, I’ll tell him.—You want to be any more specific?
    FELIX, hesitates: . . . No, that’s . . . that’s about it. Suddenly suspicious, hardens . He didn’t send you to me, did he?
    Stanley looks away.
    No response.
    Did he send you?
    No response.
    Why did he send you?
    No response.
    Answer me! Did you get yourself arrested?
    STANLEY: It’s complicated.—I can’t stand the idea of him being . . . you know . . . hurt. So I thought maybe I could talk to you about it.—See, I think in some part of his mind he thinks it would help the people.
    FELIX: If he’s executed.
    STANLEY: Crucified.
    FELIX: He wants it.
    STANLEY: . . . In a way, maybe.
    FELIX: How would it help them?
    STANLEY: Well, now that the revolution’s practically gone, people are pretty . . . you know . . . cynical about everything.
    FELIX: What about it?
    STANLEY: To see a man tortured for their sake . . . you know . . . that a man could actually like care that much about anything . . .
    FELIX: You’re telling me something . . . what are you telling me?—Does he want it or not?
    STANLEY: Oh no! No. It’s just that . . . you see— Rapidly overwhelmed by the vision’s horror .—he gets to where he just can’t like bear it—
    FELIX: Bear what!
    STANLEY: Well . . . the

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