Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife

Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online

Book: Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
he traced a line of kisses over her breasts. He unfastened her bra and pulled it off. Then he was licking and sucking her nipples. He pulled as much of her right breast into his mouth as he could, sucking until she was writhing against him.
    She stopped thinking altogether. There was nothing but the need for release. She wrapped her legs around his clothed body and ground against him. His hand found the sleek folds of her sex. He slid his fingers through the wet flesh until he brushed against her clit. Circling the tiny nub, he rubbed and rubbed until she was helpless to stave off her orgasm.
    She climaxed while screaming his name. Stars burst behind her closed eyelids, and she pumped her hips because she could not keep still. It was like being out of her body. It felt so incredibly good. But she wanted more. She needed to feel him spread her legs and take her in that primal way only a man could.
    “Grigori, you have clothes on,” she panted. “Take them off. Please?”
    He looked as if he might argue, but then he gave in. Yanking his shirt off over his head, he flung it across the room. Then he was wriggling to get out of his jeans. He kicked them down, and she helped him push them off over his feet. When he was naked, she got her first full look.
    “Holy shit,” she said. “You’re hot. Seriously.”
    He laughed, throwing his head back and giving her chills with the sexy sound. After that, Flynn couldn’t control herself. She tackled him to the bed. She kissed his muscular arms and ran her tongue down his chest. Teasing his tiny male nipples with her teeth, she slipped her hand down his belly toward his cock.
    When she was somewhere between his navel and his balls, he stopped laughing. Then she gripped his generous cock in her hand and began pumping him from base to tip. Precum beaded on the head, and she ran her fingers through the silky stuff. Gazing up into his face, she licked her fingers clean of his fluid and watched his eyes glaze over with desire.
    “Do you want me?” she demanded.
    “Hell yes.”
    She straddled him, feeling more in control than she ever had before in her life. It was glorious. Flynn threw her head back and felt her hair brush the small of her back. She was naked, grinding her wet pussy on a near stranger’s cock. The heady sensation of freedom was intoxicating.
    Lifting herself onto her knees, she reached between them and gripped his erection. He froze. Then she gently rubbed the tip of him against her opening. He bracketed her hips in his hands, waiting for her to make the decision. The choice belonged to Flynn, and she was glad.
    “This is my choice,” she told him breathlessly. “I want you and I’m going to have you. Do you understand?”
    “Then take me.” His voice was like gravel.
    She impaled herself in one long stroke. The pressure of his thickness sliding deep within her channel left her gasping for breath. She gazed down at him and realized he was staring back. The emotional intimacy of the moment was almost more shocking than the physicality of it. She had never felt this connected to anyone before in her life.
    She rocked back and forth against him. Each stroke sent her clit rubbing against the base of his cock. Her muscles burned, and she knew she was close to losing control. Then she realized he was as well. His eyes were heavy lidded and sexy. With his lips parted and his facial muscles taut with pleasure, he looked like her every fantasy come true.
    The ultimate release snapped inside her body. She gasped and shuddered as the convulsions of her climax overtook everything. Her palms settled on his chest as she ground herself harder against him. Then he shouted and thrust up into her body. The pressure and friction was incredible. The sensation flung her into a tiny aftershock of shivery pleasure as he spilled his seed deep inside her womb.
    Flynn collapsed onto Grigori’s chest, her breathing ragged and her skin damp with sweat. She could hear his heart thundering

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