Samhain (Matilda Kavanagh Book 2)

Samhain (Matilda Kavanagh Book 2) by Shauna Granger Read Free Book Online

Book: Samhain (Matilda Kavanagh Book 2) by Shauna Granger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Granger
didn’t realize he considered us friends. That was either very good for me or very bad where Frankie was concerned.
    “Oh, but you can just dismiss me like we weren’t doing anything? I get it.” Frankie’s eyes flashed to yellow as her temper spiked. Over the smell of burnt wood and rotten eggs, the scent of wet earth and blood filtered through the small space.
    Ronnie and I shared a terrified look. Kyle whispered something too low for either of us to hear as he stepped close to Frankie, putting his face into the crook of her neck. Her yellow eyes fluttered as her resolve to hold on to her anger faltered. She turned her face toward his. We could feel the vibration of their connection. They were communicating in a way only two Weres could, and Ronnie and I were left on the sidelines, unsure where to look or what to do with ourselves.
    After a long, awkward moment, Kyle stepped back. Frankie’s eyes were no longer yellow. He had managed to calm the beast. But when she looked at me, her face became hard with anger again.
    “You better do something about this,” she said, pointing needlessly at the damaged kitchen.
    “Planned to, thanks,” I said, the snarky tone coming out before I could stop it.
    Frankie’s lip quivered as she fought to control her face. “You need to put up some wards against humans if your business is going to bring bullshit like this around.”
    “Hey, wards and protections on the building are your job, not mine,” I snapped, unable to keep my temper under control. I didn’t know if I was just that upset or if I felt safer giving her a piece of my mind with Kyle there to intervene.
    “Oh, you think so, do you, witch?” Frankie tried to step around Kyle, but he snaked one arm around her waist, holding her close to him and effectively holding her back.
    “Yes!” I yelled. “It’s your building. Security is your job!”
    “You have one week to fix this mess. If you don’t, you’re out on your ass, you get me?” Frankie snarled, her nails digging into Kyle’s arms as she fought against him. Being so much bigger than she was, he held her back easily.
    “Whatever,” I said, pressing my fingers into my temples and rubbing slowly.
    Kyle whispered something to her, and Frankie let him walk her backward, out of the kitchen and toward the front door.
    “Do you have a death wish? What the hell, Mattie?” Ronnie asked, her brown eyes wide, just like Jane’s had been.
    “She’s all bark,” I said after I was sure Kyle and Frankie were on the other side of the door and she probably couldn’t hear me.
    “She will evict you,” Ronnie said.
    “I know, but she’s not going to actually attack me. You and I are the only ones who bother to put any protection on the building.”
    “I’m going to fix the kitchen,” I said, not wanting to hear a lecture just then. I grabbed a canister of salt and flipped the pour spout open.
    We heard the front door open, and Kyle walked back into the apartment.
    “I’ll get the locks,” Ronnie said and walked out of the kitchen. Kyle could lock the door, but only a witch could set a freezing spell as an extra precaution.
    I was salting the two pots on the stove when they walked back in. The pot with the ruined healing potion fizzled and deflated under the dusting of salt, and the scent of rotten eggs redoubled, making me cough as my stomach flipped.
    “Man, that sucks,” Kyle offered when he saw the pot.
    “Yeah.” I waved away the sour smell. “Just glad I’d already bottled one of the other potions. Lost a couple of those though.” My shoulders fell as my resolve chipped away. I felt the possibility of tears pressing at my eyes. I needed to keep moving or I would lose it.
    “What can I do to help?” Kyle asked.
    “I have no idea,” I said.
    He stood there awkwardly, his hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans. After a few moments, while I lugged the ruined potions over to the sink, he cleared his throat and said, “I

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