polar opposites.
“They do make some amazing Western omelet’s, but nobody does it better than you.” His compliments were falling on deaf ears, and I was only thinking about some way to get into his laptop and find out what was going on for myself. He had even taken the laptop to the bathroom with him, not leaving it out of his sight for one second.
“Excuse me, but I need to wash up before we go, so why don't you stay here and read the paper from New York.” This hotel had every newspaper known to man, and I already read up on today's local events, not that there was anything really special to report. “I’ll be right back, and then we can take in the sights.” He didn't try to stop me, or even think for a second that I was going to go back there and warn him, which was something that I was seriously considering doing.
Going down the hall, I changed my mind and went into the women's room instead, not quite ready to face him and the possible questions that he would have when I revealed what I had just learned.
Standing at the mirror, I suddenly saw him behind me in one of the stalls, motioning me with his hand to come to join him.
This wasn't who I was, and I wasn't the type of person that would do something like this in the bathroom. Then again, I was finding his persistence very attractive, and the naughty idea of doing this in a semi-public place was definitely something I was giving serious thought. To make my decision easier, he had unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock for me to see in all its wondrous glory. I wasn't even looking at him, only seeing what he was doing behind me in the reflection of the mirror. There was really no way that I could possibly do this, not with my husband so close at hand.
He stroked his cock, spitting in his hand and giving it that shiny come hither look. I was a slave to my sexual urges, and he knew exactly what to do to convince me to go against my better judgment. Ever since I met him, I was doing things that I wouldn't normally do. He was making me reconsider going back out to the table, and I found myself slowly backing up towards him.
“You are being bad, and my husband is in the dining room.”
He whispered into my ear from behind “I don't care, you're just too much for me to keep my hands off.” He certainly had a way with words, and I was beginning to see that I was powerless against his sexual advances.
Next thing I knew, I had my ass right up against his package, and I could only imagine what the delivery would be like. It must've been the danger of the situation that was making me do this sort of thing, and he was doing nothing to dissuade me from my next course of action. “It’s so hot that you are doing this, and I think you can see for yourself what this is doing for me.” I could feel the results of our liaison against the material of my skirt, and I could feel his fingers lifting the material until a soft breeze was caressing my naked globes. This was followed with wet soft kisses on each cheek, and then his tongue lazily licking my pussy through the fabric of the blue silk panties I was wearing.
“Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this, but for the life of me I can't stop myself.” I heard the door open, and I quickly grabbed the stall door, closing it so that nobody could see that I was bent over at the waist and this man was currently pleasing me with his tongue. “Just be quiet, because we don't want to get any unwanted attention.” The tap on the sink turned on, and I could see through the slat in the door that one of the staff was washing up and checking her hair. “FUCK.” The bad boy behind me had stuck a finger inside, making me inadvertently scream out that one word.
“Excuse me, but are you all right in there?”
Biting my lip, I had to give her some indication that there was nothing going on that she had to worry about. “I’m fine…ahhh…just stubbed my toe on the
Skye Malone, Megan Joel Peterson