SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online

Book: SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
heaving. I feel thankful it’s not me losing all the booze I just spent my paycheck on to another city trash can. This is the reality of alcoholism and addiction. It leads people down the path of destruction. It gives Neon power over girls who could do so much better for themselves; and it destroys families across the world.
    I keep walking. It’s starting to get late. I’ve got one more strip of clubs to check for Neon and her entourage. She always travels with at least one of her security detail, and sometimes even one of her girls. She likes the redheads if I remember correctly. She likes to dress them and own them, leading them around like dogs until she tires of their company.
    There’s nothing sadder than a woman who makes other women pay for her own insecurities with public humiliation. I’ve heard she’ll sometimes send her favorite redhead to stand facing the corner like a child if she’s not happy with them. I pity Neon as much as I care that she survives. Inside I’m sure there’s a good person waiting to emerge. But it’s past time I admit that will probably never happen.
    As I walk the streets, I notice the women are starting to become more open with their positioning. Solicitation is still illegal, but various pimps have deals with the law. You can tell the ones whose girls are used to having the freedom to work openly.
    It’s a bargaining chip I’m unwilling to use; the idea of taking payoffs for looking the other way makes me sick. Besides, this is not even my jurisdiction. I hope my offer to help clear the way with the other pimps in the neighborhood works so I don’t have to think of other options. I’ll do anything to get April back and keep Carrie safe. I would never take the money myself, but I could probably hook Neon up with the right guys to make it happen. Every governing force in the world has a level of corruption.
    There’s still no sign of Neon. I remember one more place to check before I give up and phone her. It’s back near where the car is parked. A set of brownstone buildings that have become home for a small group of Neon’s girls. The guys like it because the alleyway nearby means easy access and they don’t get caught on the main roads.
    It’s a pretty grungy set up. The whole area is, to be honest; all the streets the girls work on have a negative energy about them. They just feel seedy, even when there’s no one there. So many broken dreams littering the pavements with used syringes and old condoms. It might make me sick, but it’s also the reason I do this job. I head that way as the one of the streetlights start to flicker above me. Another late night in New Jersey closes in.

Chapter Seven
    I round the corner where Neon’s girls normally work, and feel my chest clench. I pity these poor women. I may be standing in squalor, but I’ve hit the jackpot because Neon is right there, talking to one of her security guys. I don’t recognize him but he fits the muscle profile. Greasy hair, arms like tree trunks and missing teeth.
    “Neon.” I say to her, drawing her away from what looks like an intense chat.
    “Blake,” she withers away from at me. If looks could kill, I have a feeling I’d already be six-feet underground. She’s obviously not as okay with being rejected. I’m not surprised. This is one angry little woman and I do mean little. Her stature has always been small but she normally wears boots with heels that bring her up to my chest line.
    “What the fuck are you doing here?” Her tone implies she knows that I’ve been looking for her. I don’t give her an inch to move with.
                  “Oh, just passing by. I’ve been visiting a couple of your old friends from the neighborhood. Some of them have similar interests to you. We should all have a get together one night. Well anyway, sorry for the interruption. You’re obviously hard at work…” My snarky, breezy tone puts her on guard. It’s working. The tables

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