Shard Knight (Echoes Across Time Book 1)

Shard Knight (Echoes Across Time Book 1) by Matthew Ballard Read Free Book Online

Book: Shard Knight (Echoes Across Time Book 1) by Matthew Ballard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Ballard
steel,” a voice said from the front porch.
    A thought struck Ronan. Tyrell must’ve reinforced the front door frame. The bloody door frame.
    He pushed the door, and it opened inward.
    Relief poured through his aching muscles.
    A small dingy bedroom stood empty of any furnishings. On room’s far side a set of stairs descended deeper into the home’s interior.
    Ronan took two stairs at a time before stumbling into a short hallway.
    At the dark hallway’s end, a stairway descended.
    He dashed ahead and stopped at the landing.
    The front door shook in its steel frame as guards continued pounding without mercy. Figures blurred past the hallway window heading toward the rear of the house.
    With his heart hammering, Ronan flew downstairs, past the front door running at breakneck speed toward the rear door. He blurred past a small sitting room that opened into a dingy kitchen.
    On the kitchen’s far wall, a thin wooden door led outside.
    As Ronan moved for the kitchen door, he jumped backward as the door crashed inward flying off its hinges.
    His chest heaved, and he whirled looking for somewhere to hide.
    A pantry door stood ajar a few feet away.
    He grabbed the door handle, threw it open, and slammed it shut behind him.
    The front door gave way banging open, and multiple sets of heavy boots came pounding through the small house.
    “We tried doing this the nice way. No taking you alive now boy. It ends here,” a guard said as he stormed through the house.
    Ronan’s chest tightened as he slumped against the pantry wall.
    Footsteps entered the kitchen.
    Within seconds they’d have him. Ronan dropped his head between his knees, closed his eyes and prayed to Elan. When he opened his eyes, he held in a shout of triumph.
    Buried in the floorboard, a door handle appeared between Ronan’s legs.
    His hand went to his breast pocket, and he felt for the key he’d placed there earlier. Could he still use Tyrell’s cellar escape?
    Heavy fists pounded on the pantry door followed by waves of laughter. “Face this like a man. You’re embarrassing yourself.”
    Ronan yanked open the cellar door and leaped into the black emptiness.
    Total darkness left the cellar’s contents hidden from view except for a dirt-caked shovel leaning against a nearby wooden crate.
    As Ronan pulled the cellar door closed, the pantry door opened. He let the door drop the final few inches and grabbed for the shovel.
    A second later the cellar door creaked open, and a bearded face appeared overhead. “Come up here you little bastard.”
    Ronan swung the shovel at the guard’s face, but found empty air as the man moved his head away in time.
    The door slammed shut leaving Ronan alone in a shroud of darkness.
    He sagged against the cool dirt wall clutching the shovel in both hands and pulling in deep breaths of musty air.
    Through the cellar door, murmured conversations mixed with the thuds of multiple footsteps.
    Ronan had to find Tyrell’s door. He stood and groped along the cellar wall pulling loose dirt down on his head. He inched his way toward the cellar’s rear wall.
    Behind Ronan, the cellar door squeaked open, and heavy boots appeared on the wooden ladder.
    Cold fear rippled along Ronan’s spine as he spun and readied the shovel for attack. If he died tonight, he’d take a guard with him.
    A city guard wearing heavy leather held out a blade as he lowered himself to the dirt floor. In his offhand he carried an oil lamp spilling light across the cellar. “We decided you’ve been enough trouble for one night. You can rot down here as far as we care.” The guard tossed the oil lamp into a pile of wooden crates stacked against the wall opposite Ronan. “I’ll even give you a little warmth to take away the night’s chill.”
    The oil lamp shattered spraying hot oil over the brittle wooden crates. Three creates nearest Ronan burst into flame.
    “Have a good night Your Highness.” The guard chuckled as he climbed the ladder. “Light it up.”

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