Shattered Dreams (Shadow Souls MC Book 2)

Shattered Dreams (Shadow Souls MC Book 2) by Tamara Knowles Read Free Book Online

Book: Shattered Dreams (Shadow Souls MC Book 2) by Tamara Knowles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Knowles
responsible. He was either drunk somewhere in the city or the Shadow Souls had gotten to him. There, of course, was the off-chance he had just left town without any warning or word, but that didn’t sound like paranoid, meticulous Chad. She needed to find him, and she needed to get him back.
    Sierra also had a dark suspicion that James was involved—somehow. She knew that he didn’t want him around at all and was probably regretting letting Chad live. She didn’t know how to get information on Chad’s whereabouts. There was a whole city of options and not a whole lot of time to explore every single secret, abandoned location on every block. Plus, after their most recent interactions, she doubted James would leave anything of importance around for her to find. She knew she would have to plan very carefully, and there would be a lot of sneaking around in her future.
    That night Sierra snuck into James’ office and started going through everything on the desk. Something had to lead her back to Chad; but, there was a distressing void of anything useful. There were almost no papers. His laptop was there, but she didn’t know the password. She tried to make a guess with a couple different passwords, but they were all incorrect. She didn’t know what her next step was, and Chad could literally be anywhere.
    If James had any knowledge of where Chad was, it could possibly be accessed from his phone, and she did know that password. He didn’t know she knew it, but she had observed him punch it in enough times in a day she had figured it out. She snuck into his bedroom and unplugged the phone from beside his bed.
    She exited quickly and punched in the code. She tapped recent calls and wrote down all the numbers without caller IDs and all the names and numbers of people she didn’t recognize. She assumed that his business partners and sisters didn’t know anything about his kidnapping and murdering hobbies.
    She returned the phone to his room and got to work, using her laptop and an internet search engine. She was up all night searching and backtracking numbers, looking for any information that would take her to Chad. Eventually, she narrowed the list down to five numbers that she thought might be useful to her. Around six in the morning, she threw herself into bed, anxiously waiting for the business day to start so she could finish her search.
    As soon as James left for work, she called the numbers on her list, looking for someone who could direct her to Chad. She knew someone had to know where he was; but, all her calls were dead-ends.
    Then, a new thought struck her: her father. He was in somewhat regular contact with the Shadow Souls because of her brother, and she could use the same front, too.  She called her father.
    “Hello, Sierra! How are you?”
    “I’m doing well. I had a quick question for you.”
    “Sure, fire away.”
    “I was wondering if you could give me a number to contact someone in the Shadow Souls group thing—I don’t know what they are called. I’m trying to set up some sort of charity fund in Scott’s name, maybe a scholarship, and I’m wanting it to be directed toward some sort of specific demographic. I want to talk to them to see if they have any suggestions, since they knew him best in the last few years of his life.”
    She could practically hear the smile on his face. “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll email you their information. I’m sure they would be happy to meet with you to discuss him.”
    “Thanks, Dad. I think James and I are going to invite you to dinner later this week. Thursday work for you?”
    “Sounds great. Looking forward to it.”
    “Bye.” She hung up the phone and anxiously waited for the email from her father. Ten minutes later, she was on the phone with someone who knew Scott before he died, and she was invited to come down to talk.
    It was a bar, a biker bar. She felt very

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