Sinful Suspense Box Set

Sinful Suspense Box Set by Tess Oliver Read Free Book Online

Book: Sinful Suspense Box Set by Tess Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tess Oliver
I’ve ever seen a girl like that was in the center of my magazine.” He ducked back under the hood. “Did you get her number?”
    “Now why the fuck would I get her number? She was standing in the ravine, not in the middle of a bar.”
    “You disappointment me, bro. Never known you to walk away from a pretty girl without a phone number. No matter where you met her.”
    I shook my head and leaned my forearms on the edge of the jeep to look down into the engine. “Yeah, well this wasn’t your every day pretty girl.”
    “Yep, she was out of his world.”
    “Well said, Dane. So are you about ready to breathe life into this monster, Dr. Frankenstein?”
    He laughed. “Almost. Hey, Jem, you ever hear from that girl, Kiki? The one who used to send me naked pictures of herself just to piss you off.” Another laugh.
    I straightened and scrubbed my hair with my fingers. “Oh yeah, I forgot about her doing that. Kiki was definitely wild, but no, I haven’t talked to her.” The day Kiki and I’d split up to head our own ways was the last time we spoke. It was over by then, and we both knew it. There wasn’t any reason to stay in touch. I’d been on the road for a long time, and I’d met a lot of people. I’d picked Kiki up hitchhiking on the highway. For six months we’d traveled the country on my bike. Her dad had been a successful pool shark, hustling people out of their pocket money, and he’d taught Kiki all his tricks. She’d fill her pockets with the money of the poor duped souls she played, and I’d win cash laying down poker hands. In between, we found motels and shabby rooms to rent and fucked until the bed springs broke. One day we were filling up the bike at the gas station and Kiki walked inside and bought herself a straw hat to shield her from the sun. I knew she was taking off again. She walked over, kissed me good-bye and headed to the highway without looking back. Neither of us had any idea what love was. We’d walked away from each other as easily as two strangers.
    “Are you going to head over to Rotten Apples tonight for some brewskies and poker?” Dane asked.
    “Might as well. You want to go?”
    “Yep. Think we’ll see her?”
    “See who?”
    “The girl, the magic genie with the blue eyes and the amazing tits.”
    “A girl like that doesn’t belong in a place like Rotten Apples any more than she belongs in this town.” I headed back to my house. “We’ll head out in a couple hours.”

Chapter 5
    I’d nearly missed the dented welcome sign as I crossed into Blackthorn Ridge. Just as Everly had promised, a sharp left and a two block stroll landed me directly in front of Gregor’s Market. The storefront looked more like a quaint old house, complete with a porch and blue bench to sit on. The only things to give away that it was a store and not a cozy home were the advertisements in the window. Today’s special, apparently, was Jane Yarden’s homemade boysenberry pie. The thought of fresh fruit pie only intensified my hunger pangs.
    Everly came running out onto the porch. She had a smile that was so incredible, it made the scars seem insignificant. “You made it.” She raced down the steps and took hold of my duffle. “I worried you’d gotten lost. I’ve got a sandwich waiting for you.”
    I followed her up the steps.
    The inside of the store reminded me of the tiny market a mile outside of The Grog. Aunt Carly was pretty militant about us eating produce, eggs and bread made and grown locally by our neighbors, but occasionally, even she had a craving for potato chips and a frozen burrito. Of course, she’d lament for a week about her fall from grace , but it was still worth it.
    A big man with an extraordinarily friendly face was standing behind the counter. He looked up and smiled. “So, your friend made it, huh, Ever? Landon Gregor, and welcome to Blackthorn Ridge.” He reached out a giant, slightly shaky hand. I shook it.
    “Tashlyn Younglove, but, please, call

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