Sinner's Ball

Sinner's Ball by Ira Berkowitz Read Free Book Online

Book: Sinner's Ball by Ira Berkowitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ira Berkowitz
big, she doesn’t even know her. Should’ve drowned her at birth.”
    â€œCompassion isn’t your style.”
    â€œNothing to do with it. My kids ain’t gonna let no senior citizen residence suck away what’s left of my money.”
    â€œYou’re being paranoid.”
    â€œReally? They want to know where my will is stashed. Where I got the safety deposit boxes. The whole megillah.”
    â€œMaybe they’re just being prudent.”
    â€œYeah? Well they ain’t gonna get shit. Let ’em work for it like I did.” He glanced over at Stella Tedesco. “She never asked for nothing, and what did it get her?”
    â€œA meal on you.”
    â€œFuck it!” he said. “What’re you doing here so early?”
    â€œThe boiler died again. So I figured I’d come here for some warmth and good feelings.”
    â€œOne out of two ain’t bad.”
    â€œWhat’s going on with my brother? I haven’t heard from him in a few days.”
    â€œHe’s back to being a fucking hermit. But Anthony is another story. Strutting around like the cock of the walk. Him and that mope Tommy Cisco. The Masters of Crime. Every time you look at them, they’re huddled together hatching schemes.” He made a face. “Those two couldn’t plan a decent purse snatch.”
    â€œMaybe Dave figures that Anthony’ll bring some advanced business techniques gleaned from the Ivy League.”
    â€œYeah, that’ll work.”
    â€œOh, ye of little faith.”
    The door swung open. My nephew and Tommy Cisco blew in on the breeze.
    â€œMy day is complete,” Nick said. “Bonnie and Clyde are in the house.”
    â€œHey, Uncle Jake, how’re you doing?” Anthony said. A big smile was pasted to his face.
    I called his smile with a glare.
    â€œIn the pink,” I said.
    â€œGlad I found you. Tommy here would like to straighten things out between you. You know, no bad blood going forward.”
    I turned to Cisco. Just over the bridge of his nose he had a large purple welt like a third eye, encircled by a pretty pale blue corona.
    He held out his hand.
    I ignored it.
    â€œListen, Steeg. I was a little out of line the other day, and I just want you to know there’re no hard feelings.”
    â€œAm I supposed to give a shit?”
    It wasn’t the answer he was expecting. His hand sort of drifted down to his thigh.
    â€œNow,” I said, “do me a favor and take a walk while I talk to my nephew.”
    Cisco threw Anthony a look like he was asking permission.
    â€œIt’s OK, Tommy,” Anthony said. “This won’t take long.”
    Cisco nodded and did a slow amble toward the front. When he reached the door, I grabbed a handful of Anthony’s coat and drag-walked him to the kitchen.
    â€œWhat’s your
he said, rearranging his clothes.
    â€œCut the Tony Soprano act. It doesn’t fit. What the hell is going on with you?”
    His face reddened.
    â€œI don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    â€œI’m the one guy who actually gives a shit what happens to you.”
    â€œYou’re forgetting about my father.”
    â€œHe’s too busy worrying about
future to give a shit about yours.”
    â€œYou don’t know shit. He loves me.”
    â€œI’ll give you that,” I said. “But he’s got an odd way of showing it.”
    He poked a finger in my chest, and his face twisted into a threat. “Don’t you fuckin’ criticize him! And don’t you ever put your hands on me again.”
    This wasn’t the kid I helped raise. The boy I considered my son. Anthony was turning into my brother.
    â€œRight now he needs me,” he said.
    â€œWhen it comes to his business, your father doesn’t need anyone.”
    â€œThanks for the advice,” he said, turning to go.
    â€œHave you spoken to your

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