STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1)

STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1) by Thomas Scott Read Free Book Online

Book: STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1) by Thomas Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Scott
felt himself swallow. He could hear his own heartbeat as he
let his eyes follow the shape of her shoulder blades inward toward her spine,
then down to her waistline. A small tribal tattoo peeked out of the top of a
black thong that rode high on her thin waist, covering almost nothing of what
was at least the second best ass Virgil had ever seen in his life.
    “Come on, Jonesy. Tie me up. I’m
feeling a draft here.”
    Virgil cleared his throat without
meaning to. “Uh, yeah, sure. Sorry.” He stepped up close to her, and tied the
top tie first. The front of her thighs were against the side of the bed and part
of the gown was trapped so he had to actually open the bottom part and tug on
it a little to release the material. The back of his hand brushed up against
her ass and when it did he felt like a schoolboy trying to cop a cheap feel.
Virgil was about a foot taller than Sandy, and he fumbled the knot on the first
try, the angle awkward. “Uh, sorry.”
    “Come on Cowboy, you can do it.
Just make two bunny ears and wrap one around and through the other.”
    “No, no it’s not that. It’s the
angle. I’m taller.”
    Sandy placed her palms on the edge
of the bed and stood on her tiptoes and arched the small of her back. “Better?”
    You’ve got no idea, Virgil said to
    “What was that?” Sandy said.
    When she went up on her toes,
Virgil immediately upgraded his assessment from second best to all time best.
Without question. He finished the knot. “Nothing. There you go. I’m, uh, going
to go wait outside now.”
    Sandy didn’t say anything and
Virgil didn’t move, and he was just beginning to wonder what would happen if
he…but then the curtain was yanked back and a tall, good-looking doctor stepped
in the room and smiled. His hair was pure white, but there were no lines on his
face. His solid black eye glasses were a sharp contrast to his hair color and
it gave him a dramatic flair. He wore traditional green scrubs under a white knee-length
lab coat. His clog-style shoes looked like they were made of wood and cork with
suede tops. The doctor looked at them and said, “Looks like I got here just in
time.” He took his pen out of his pocket, tapped it on the clipboard he was
holding, then pointed to the ceiling at the corner of the room. They all looked
up and saw the security camera. “Two of my nurses just went on break. One of
them is getting married in a month. I’m the groom’s best man. They said
something about it was getting hot in here. So, how can I help you, young
    This time Virgil did leave the
room, and a half hour later Sandy and the doc emerged as well. The doctor
pulled a card from his breast pocket and wrote something on the back and then
handed it to Sandy, shaking her hand in both of his before walking away. Virgil
thought the doc held her hand a little longer than necessary.
    A few minutes later they were in
Virgil’s truck. He started the engine and looked over at Sandy. “What’d the doctor
    “He said I was fine, and he meant
it, too. He gave me his number. Seemed like a nice guy.” She reached into her
pocket and pulled out his card, placing it on the console between the seats.
“He said if you don’t have enough sense to see what you’re missing, I should
give him a call. What do you think?”
    “He was a pretty good looking guy.
He sort of had that distinguished doctor thing going for him,” Virgil said as
he dropped the truck into gear and pulled out onto the street. “Probably makes
about a million a year, if that kind of thing matters to you.”
    “You think I should call him? Or
would that be too forward?”
    “I should probably get you home,”
Virgil said, ignoring her question. “You know, doctor’s orders, and all.”
    “Yeah, you’re probably right. You
didn’t answer my question though. What do you think? Should I call him?”
    Virgil picked up the card, looked
at it for a second, tore it in half and tossed

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