emergency stash. Of course, because she wished the opposite so desperately, the box was the next item he picked up.
Even with his back still to her, she could almost feel his eyebrows rising as he studied the suggestive pictures printed on the compact box. She huffed and expelled an exasperated sigh when he opened the box and pulled out one of the foil-wrapped packets. He turned to face her, the condom held on his outstretched palm, one raised eyebrow asking a question.
She refused to be embarrassed. This was her bedroom and he was the uninvited intruder here.
“They’re called condoms. Human males use them to prevent pregnancies.”
“Not yours, then.” He chuckled, dropping the thing back onto the dresser.
She bristled, peeved by his statement. “What does that mean? I am so unattractive no man would want—” She broke off, appalled to hear herself blurting out her insecurities. Now it was her turn to swing about, hiding her mortification from his interested gaze. She gasped, forcing back a sob, feeling stripped bare and naked, vulnerable.
The sound of his laughter cut her fragile self-esteem to shreds. Nnora’s fists clenched and a hot wash of shame heated her cheeks. She fought agitated affront, injured pride and the beginning of tears. “Get the hell out of my bedroom! I don’t give a flying… damn what you think, anyway. For your information—”
“ Fem , why are you angry?” Glendevtorvas’ brows drew together. “Surely, your anger cannot be over my laughter? How could you not expect me to be amused by such a joke?”
He moved close behind her, using the bulk of his body tocradle her without actually touching her with his hands.
“You are beyond attractive, as you well know,” he told her softly, as if he meant to soothe her irritated nerves, which she did not believe for one second.
“Stop making fun of me!” She snarled, pivoting on her heels to face him, her ire rising anew at his continued efforts to ridicule her.
Raising both hands in surrender, the prince backed a step. “My laughter was with you, not at you!” he quickly said, obviously attempting to stave off another verbal attack. “All males must desire you. All my men and I would worship you. Any human male…how could they not lust for you? But, these things—” he indicated the discarded condom “—what use have you of them? No human male can impregnate you.”
Her brow furrowed at the matter-of-fact way in which he spoke the last sentence. “How could you possibly know that, for sure? Our scientists are still debating the issue. It has never been conclusively decided that inter-mixing among our two species is impossible.”
“When the answer is obvious, still scientists debate,” Glendevtorvas said, shaking his head. “It is matter of simple dimensions.
“You are a tiny thing compared to Rb’qarmshi and Rb’nTraqshi fem .” His eyes burned a path down her torso, lingering on the delta of her towel-covered thighs.
“Already you are in second pava , untouched, untaught!” He tsk’ed his tongue in seeming displeasure and continued, “I fear it difficult to mate you without much pain, yet I doubt you could even feel a human, no matter how well endowed they think themselves to be—”
The prince lifted his molten gaze to hers, and her nipples sprang to attention under the heated, ravenous look. No one had ever wanted her like he seemed to, as if she were the banquet at the end of a forty day fast. As if he would starve without her essence to nourish him.
She stifled a moan as the muscles of her pussy contracted, trying to milk a nonexistent cock. Well , she told herself drolly, eyeing the long thick ridge that seemed to be growing behind the tight jeans material, it does, in fact, exist. It simply isn’t where I need it to be. She shook herself and had to put forth a determined effort to understand the Prince’s continued conversation.
“—no human male could fill you, and never could one expand the
Steve Miller, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller