walls of your sweet pava . Yet will I fill your—”
“Look,” she interrupted rudely. “If you are going to talk English, do it correctly. As far as I am concerned, a pava is what I am experiencing . What I have is a vagina. You can even use pussy or cunt. I won’t object.” Inwardly, she thrilled at the sound of the naughty words. “Choose one of those words, okay?”
He nodded sharply. “Yet will I fill your pus-sy. Your va-gi-na. I will be steadfast in this duty.”
She inwardly shook her head. What, did he think her moved by his reassurance of his competency as a lover? On the contrary, his expertise only highlighted her lack and escalated her fears of their future mating.
And he saw making love to her as his duty?She cringed at this new blow to her budding self-esteem. She had no experience, no knowledge. Was it her fault that no mature, eligible males existed among the colonists to help her explore her sexuality?
Her teeth absently worrying her bottom lip, she struggled to categorize the contradictory feelings assailing her. For him to call her a tiny thing and mean it made her feel dainty and feminine—something she had craved for a very long time. On the other hand, she floundered in uncertain waters. She had no idea how to handle this situation and so she rejected his allure, falling back on sarcasm to hide her insecurity.
“Was there supposed to be a marriageproposal in there, somewhere?” she asked snidely. “I hope not, since I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse, Prince Glendevtorvas.
“Thanks just the same, but no thanks. Unlike you, I do not consider it my duty to accept you.”
“What say you?” The prince’s disbelieving words rang in her ears. “You dare dismiss me so?”
“Let me see…” Nnora tapped a deliberately insolent finger to the tip of her chin, pretending to consider her behavior. “Yep, I do. See, I may be in my second pava and unmated, but I’ll never be so desperate that I have to be someone’s duty ,” she said, her voice gone chill.
“So, as the saying goes—don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord spit you.”
With an imperious finger, she indicated the door to the hallway. “Bye-bye! What a pleasure it’s been meeting you… Not . And you needn’t worry your little— ” she glanced disparagingly down at his crotch “—head about me, I’ll just wait for the next crop of maturing boys.”
She watched, heart-sick as the insult fell on fertile ground.
Growling, the Prince captured her gaze. His burnished gold eyes, grown hard, bored down into hers as he deliberately ripped off his black t-shirt. Another angry jerk loosened the fastening of his jeans. “I have offered you honorable marriage and plentiful fucking and you reject me out of hand—to wait on boys who may not even make it to manhood.”
Glendevtorvas moved toward her, male arrogance personified and rolled up in one irate package. She backed up, not willing to tangle with the warrior, whose swirling emotions were an almost visible cloud about him. Tripping over the fringed throw rug in her haste to distance herself from the determined male stalking toward her with lust twisting his implacably masculine face, she shivered with a mixture of desire and wariness.
Strong hands snatched her into the air, preventing an ignominious fall, only to pin her against the bathroom door.
“But why wait, my lady?” Glendevtorvas gritted from between clenched teeth, forcing a heavy thigh between her legs and grinding his hips into her pubic mound. “I am a mature male ready to service you, since servicing seems to be all you are concerned with.”
Chapter Four
That ripped shirt implied a sensual threat Nnora didn’t think she could handle. Even while she flinched away from the thought of her inadequacy, she couldn’t help staring hungrily at the taut expanse of his exposed chest, her eyes irresistibly drawn to his muscular physique. Something told her she was in deep trouble.
Oh, Hell’s
Stephanie Hoffman McManus
Marissa Farrar, Kate Richards, Marian Tee, Lynn Red, Dominique Eastwick, Becca Vincenza, Ever Coming, Lila Felix, Dara Fraser, Skye Jones, Lisbeth Frost