Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2)

Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2) by Veronica Del Rosa Read Free Book Online

Book: Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2) by Veronica Del Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Del Rosa
rain to pour down, he’d watched in horror as cute fluffy bunnies fell from the sky. Their screams still haunted his dreams.
    Unlike some mages, he didn’t use a blasting rod or wand. Many needed the item to help focus their energy, and they channeled their magic through it. And since it looked pretty badass to shoot magical fire or electricity through a blasting rod, it became a staple of many a mage’s gear. Victor, however, didn’t like relying on one. Plus, depending on his target, he didn’t need brute force. He idly wondered if his area of expertise would work on Seraphina.  It was a rare female who could resist him, especially when he turned on the charm, so to speak.
    It was also the main reason why he dealt almost exclusively with demons. They didn’t feel the same draw towards him as females from other races did. It was a relief to be around women who merely wanted to kill him, not bed him.
    As a result, he didn’t have a lot of friends. Men didn’t want him anywhere near their girlfriends or wives. And women, well, they didn’t think of him in terms of friendship. Dampening the effect was possible, although it drained him to do so for extended periods of time.
    A quick shake of his head to clear his thoughts, he glanced around as he jogged the path with the other Enforcers.
    Ignorance led to surprise attacks and death.
    The vibrant colours of the trees dazzled him anew. Bright green, pale blue, deep pink and neon yellow leaves blended with the riot of flowers on the forest floor. Previous experience had proven that even the fragile blooms in this deceptive place were dangerous. They could be poisonous, full of invisible thorns or even carnivorous.
    Movement on the ground caught his attention. A vine tried to wrap itself around his foot, extending itself from the undergrowth. As he gathered energy to blast it, the vine slithered away and coiled under enormous fern leaves, a giant snake waiting for unsuspecting prey. Brow furrowed in confusion as to why it didn’t attack, he looked up and met Seraphina’s gaze. She nimbly ran backwards keeping pace with Markus. She must have extended protection to the group. Not even the wildlife could strike at them.
    Her narrowed stare unnerved him. He tried to tear his eyes away from her, but couldn’t and it pissed him off. If she wanted to fuck with him then she’d get a taste of what he could do. Reshaping the gathered energy, he sent a jolt of desire towards her. He made sure it touched only her, as he didn’t want the female Enforcers distracted from their mission.
    Seraphina, he didn’t care about. Tough luck if preoccupation meant pain for her.
    Her eyes widened as the energy hit her, her breath quickened and she almost stumbled. Markus whipped his head around, his black brows drawn together in confusion, and he put a hand on her arm to steady her. Surprisingly, she placed her other hand over his and gave it a squeeze before shaking herself free.
    Victor sneered at her, letting her know exactly who had caused the unwanted emotion and finally broke eye contact. Damn Fae and their need to screw with everyone. He refused to follow his sister’s path. Lilith was barely a footnote in the Fae’s history of casualties, one of many who had believed the false promises and twisted desires of these beautiful, insidious creatures.
    Up ahead the trees thinned out, giving way to a small clearing. A tiny sigh of relief escaped him. A few more minutes and they would be gone from here. A few more minutes and he would destroy those who hurt Sylvia. The need for vengeance weighed heavily on him. With his sister, he’d been unable to exact retribution.
    Nothing would stop him this time.

Chapter Six
    Finally they arrived at the clearing to the portal. Derek fought the urge to break formation. Behind him was Zmitro and he knew his Beta would follow him. In fact each packmate with him would follow to their deaths if it came to that. Although it went against standard procedure,

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