Taking Chances: A Donnelley Brother's Novel

Taking Chances: A Donnelley Brother's Novel by Alannah Carbonneau Read Free Book Online

Book: Taking Chances: A Donnelley Brother's Novel by Alannah Carbonneau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alannah Carbonneau
the other side of the table tried to snuff their own snickers. Another man, a younger man who looked like a softer version of the two men sitting at the table, lowered himself beside Logan, smirking at the man next to me. My eyes were trained on the table as Logan squeezed Reese to catch her attention before announcing. “You’re right, love. Collin’s next.”
    Beside me, the man stiffened and I took this chance to place a few feet of much needed space between us. I had no idea what was happening, or who Collin was, but I was beyond embarrassed and the peace and quiet of the wild land outside was calling my name, beckoning me closer.
    With my eyes trained on the floor, I spoke. “Thanks for the coffee. I, uh...” I paused when I felt intense green eyes land on my face. “I have to get going.”
    Without waiting for a response, I turned to flee the room, the laughter, and most of all - the man’s green eyes.

Chapter 5
    A warm breeze brushed against the bare skin of my legs as I pushed through the door of the now stifling communal hall. I don’t know what happened inside that made my heart feel heavy and panicked, but something had happened. With no explanation at all, I had felt something inside of my heart flutter to life. It was a feeling I’d last had as I watched Mike walk backward from our kitchen with my peanut butter sandwich in his hand. His smirk had been one of life and brotherly challenge, and it was that memory that had morphed the flutter in my heart to something much more difficult to accept - the suffocating, endless weight of loss.
    As my feet carried me down the steps of the communal cafeteria and onto the gravel walk, I tried to ignore the gelatin in my knees. My mind replayed the humiliating act in the line for coffee before flashes of green eyes moved through my memories as though on replay. My heart was an organ of utter confusion. It didn’t know whether to be sad in response to my reminder of Mike or to be excited by the events that had played out in the cafeteria with the green eyed man.
    Hell, why in the world would I be excited?
    I didn’t have time to ponder my internal question as the sound of gravel crunching behind me notified me to the presence of another. Feeling my heart race, I spun around to find the green-eyed man with the lady killer grin standing only inches away from me. In my hurry to take a step back, I felt my sandal catch on the gravel and my feet stumbled.
    The man’s quick reflexes saved me from falling onto the gravel and spilling my coffee as his arm weaved quickly around my waist, slamming my front against his in his quest to keep me from losing my balance.
    I swear the synapses in my brain sizzled and seared as my body froze against his. I literally could not move - not an inch.
    “You good?” His voice was gravelly and I noticed, that although he’d tilted his head forward an inch he didn’t move to release me.
    “Um...” I swallowed, wondering when and how I’d lost the snarky inner personality I had always known. “I, yeah. I’m good.”
    “You sure?” A single brow rose as he eyed me curiously through those brilliant green orbs. “Still feeling a little unstable to me.”
    Pressing my free palm against the hard muscle of his chest, I pushed away from the man as I clutched my much-needed coffee in my other hand. Before replying, I took a sip and felt the hot bitter liquid sear my throat on its way down. But I didn’t mind - because I was getting my hit of caffeine and that was all that mattered. I was like the particles in an uncontrolled science experiment, and I so desperately needed to stabilize.
    “I’m sure.” I announced, rocking a little on my heel all the while remaining upright. “See, still standing.”
    The corner of his lip curled into a cockily amused half-grin. “Why’d you run?”
    My eyes lifted to connect with his and before I knew what was happening, my skin was warm and my heart was racing. I tried to shake off this unwanted,

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