Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance

Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kent
her in the cell with her friends. Maybe she will eventually come around!”
    I gasped as Jerry led me away. My friends? Were Dave and Todd here?
    As Jerry led me through a labyrinth of hallways, I tried to get my bearings. If anything had happened to them, I’d…
    Jerry yanked one of the doors open halfway down the hall and roughly pulled me in. In the room was a large, metal cage, and inside were my two hunks, Dave and Todd. Jerry shoved me inside, slamming the door and locking it. As he left the room, the two men rushed towards me, encircling me in their arms.
    “How … when did you get here?” I asked them.
    They both started talking at once. “Beverly, why didn’t you tell me Todd couldn’t drive with you? I would never have let you come here by yourself!”
    “You should have told me Dave had an interview, Beverly,” Todd said, shaking his head.
    “Sorry, I just thought it would be ok.”
    “After my interview I called Todd to see how it was going and I couldn’t believe you came here without us. We drove up here as fast as we could,” Dave added gloomily, “but they threw us in here as soon as we arrived.”
    “How was the interview?” I asked.
    Dave brushed off the question. “Later on that, we have to get out of here.”
    “What are we going to do?” I knew that in our wolves we could kick down most doors, but these were metal bars.
    “No worries. We just got here and I was telling Dave—we got this.” Todd reached in his pocket and pulled out the army knife Kristen had sent him. Dave and I watched tensely, hoping that no one would come back to the room. I breathed a sigh of relief when Todd had the metal door unlocked with a few twists and turns. We left the cage and tried the knob on the room door, but Jerry had locked that also.
    Dave transitioned into his muscular, wiry grey wolf and knocked the door down in one fell swoop—but Jerry was standing outside guarding the door! I could see the look of surprise on his face as we raced in the opposite direction, and I heard him scream for more guards to chase after us. 
    “Run Beverly, faster!” Todd screamed. I’d already removed my red heels and was clutching them to my chest. I was running like a bat out of hell.  My bare feet were in pain as they bound along the hard floor. Those patent pumps had looked super cute in the store, but I sure wished I was wearing athletic shoes now.
    We made our way out of the house and across the grass. Dave was speeding along in his wolf, and Todd and I followed as fast as we could in our human forms.
    “There’s the car!” Todd yelled. He practically dove into the driver’s seat of the car as I jumped into the passenger side. Dave growled as he leapt into the back seat, shaking his fur.
    “Drive, Todd! Drive!” I cried.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a few burly bodyguard types running across the lawn towards us. “They’re coming! Go Todd, go!”
    Dave howled in the backseat in encouragement as Todd tried to start the car.
    Todd turned the key in the ignition, over again and again. The car wasn’t starting. “Oh my God! The fucking battery is dead! It’s no use. It won’t start!” Todd exclaimed.
    “Try it again!” I yelled.
    “It’s not working. Get out of the car and run as fast as you can! Shift into your wolf as you run!” Todd shouted.
    My heart was in my throat as we took off, racing across the grass. My chest was so tight my wolf couldn’t even come out. I took a quick glance behind me; the men were almost on top of us. Dave had managed to race far ahead and I could see he had stopped and was waiting for us. “Run, Dave! Go while you can!” I screamed. But I knew he was not about to leave Todd and me behind.
    Then, one of the burly guards was on me and pinned me to the ground. Todd hadn’t had time to transition either and he struggled to break free, as several men captured him nearby. I lifted up my neck and could see Dave pacing uneasily in the distance, not sure

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