Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance

Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online

Book: Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kent
of the doubt. “What are some of the applications for werewolves you have thought of?”
    “One area that I feel there are great possibilities for is security. Bodyguards. I could see werewolf training camps where we train an elite command to guard heads of state, celebrities, star athletes…”
    That didn’t sound so bad. I mean, becoming a bodyguard was not my cup of tea, but I could see where some of the more aggressive wolves might enjoy protecting people and getting paid for it.
    “What else?” I asked as I dug into a balsamic roasted mushroom.
    “Well Beverly, you tell me if my next idea will work. You said weremen do it better. What about werewomen?” He narrowed his eyes. “Just how good are you sexually?”

    I felt my face flush as I remembered my outburst at the WAG meeting. Obviously, everything we had said at the meeting had been shared with Cal.
    “And not just you—because I am pretty sure you’d be a hot little number in bed. But what about other werewomen? Is it true they are insatiable? I have in mind safe houses of prostitution. Men could come and indulge in every fantasy with the werewoman of their choice. It could be huge financially.”
    “What ... prostitutes?” This was unbelievable. I knew Aimee, Arturo, Lina, and other members of the WAG group would never have dreamt Cal had ideas like this in mind. They thought they were helping him learn about us so he could help us, not hurt us.
    “Oh, don’t be a pussy with me, Beverly. We can be open with one another in every way. As I mentioned, I’d like you to come work for me, Beverly. Let’s face it, your grades in school are not the best. As competitive as the job market is, you may have trouble finding a job. But if you work for me, you can help me build an empire. I will reward you with money you could only dream of. And if things work out … I would like much more than just a workplace relationship.”
    I stifled the urge to reach over and slap him. To be honest, I was so shocked, I was rooted to my seat.
    “Yes, I liked you the minute I saw you … as a business, and a sexual partner, mmm,” Cal leaned in. “Let’s not beat around the bush. From what I understand, you werewomen are horny all the time. I’d love to fuck your brains out and experience it for myself. I may not be a wereman, but I bet I can give them a run for their money. Todd, a pizza manager and Dave, a jobless jerk? Come on Beverly, why bother? I can satisfy you sexually and make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.”
    Cal’s eyes grew dreamy. “I can see so many applications for werewolves—soldiers of fortune, prostitutes, messengers, drug runners … and the parts, like cows, werewolf parts have enormous commercial viability. The fur could be used in insulation, the teeth for…”
    “You are kidding, right?” I was appalled. The man had to be nuts.
    Something in me just snapped at that moment. Without thinking, my inner wolf took over. My bones grew and crunched as I collapsed into myself and transitioned into my wolf.
    “Aaarrrrgh…” I snarled at Cal, snapping my head back and baring my incisors.
    I didn’t know what I planned to do next, but I figured I’d start by scaring the shit out of him.
    His eyes widened, but he didn’t miss a beat. In seconds, a man ran in holding a gun and I realized it was that bastard, Jerry Mars Jr. He must have been by the door listening the whole time!
    “Change back now!” Jerry demanded, waving the gun at me.
    As a wolf I could claw and bite a man to death, but I was no match for a bullet. I reluctantly changed back, pulling my shredded clothes on as best I could.
    “Take the bitch away,” Cal said. “Get her out of my sight. Perhaps I will turn her into one of our test prostitutes. Lock her up!”
    “Wha…! You can’t just lock me up!”
    “I can do whatever I want. Margaret Redson will help make sure you disappear quietly without a trace if that is what I want. Jerry, throw

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