Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance

Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Taming the Alphas: Part Four: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kent
what he should do.
    The men led us back towards the house. We were almost near the side entrance when I heard the sound of a helicopter overhead and sirens. To my shock I realized it was the FBI. In minutes, they had us surrounded. The men holding us did not resist, but as I stood up, I saw Cal being whisked to a black race car by some of his other bodyguards.
    “He’s getting away!” I screamed pointing towards the car.
    Todd rushed over to me and wrapped me in his arms. “Are you ok?”
    Trembling I pressed myself into his chest. “I’m… a little shook up but where’s Dave?” As I said his name Dave came running towards us in his man totally naked. We wrapped our arms around each other huddling together.
    I heard more commotion behind me. Turning, I was shocked to see Margaret Redson walking towards us, accompanied by a dozen or so FBI agents.
    “Margaret Redson!” Todd said his eyes widening.
    “Dave. Catch!” she tossed Dave a large blanket.
    Dave grabbed it and wrapped the covering around his body.
    I glanced over towards the spot where Cal Peet and the race car had been seconds before, and saw the tail end of his car speeding up the road. “What’s going on? What are you doing here?”
    “I’m looking out for all of you of course.”
    “What do you mean? I thought you were working for the government and sharing information with Cal Peet—a double agent,” Dave said, furrowing his brows.
    ““Ha!” Margaret replied, flipping back her hair and giving us a wide grin. “Cal thought so too! But do you really think I’d risk my pension?” she laughed. “Seriously, we just let Cal Peet think I was working for him. All along I was spying on him for the government. He’s suspected of drug trafficking and attempted kidnapping among other things. We’ve been tailing him for a while.”
    “So you had him under surveillance this whole time?” I widened my eyes.
    Margaret smiled. “Yes. And don’t worry we told him as little as possible about werewolves. We gave him just enough information to keep him on the hook. Dave he never even knew you were a werewolf.”
    “What about all of those things you said at the pizzeria about working in a mind sucking job and getting recruited by Cal?” I asked.
    “Well in a way it’s true.” Margaret said. “Working for the government can be pretty boring. But I have a duty to protect and serve. Besides this has been one of the most exciting assignments I’ve had and I didn’t want to blow my cover in front of Jerry.”
    “I think he just got away,” Todd said, pointing towards the road.
    “We have road blocks set up for the next few miles. We’ll catch him.” Margaret said confidently.
    “So, are you like a triple agent?” My head was spinning.
    “I work for the United States Government and it is my duty to protect our nation’s citizens and their rights. And werewolves have rights too.”
    “You could have fooled me,” Dave said sarcastically.
    “Well guess what?”
    I shook my head. “What?” What was she going to throw at us now?
    “I have word from a confidential source that the highest official in the land will be revealing the truth about the Camp Vickers cover up. They are going to hold a State of the Union Address and tell the world that werewolves are real !”

    “That run felt good,” Todd sighed as I pushed open the door to the apartment, “I needed that.”
    After the events of the day we’d all felt like we needed to release some tension and let our wolves out. We collected my travel bag and Dave’s clothes from Cal’s mansion and Todd got a jumpstart on the car from Margaret’s people. Then we drove to a deserted area right outside of McLean, Virginia. Once there, we transitioned into our wolves and went for a twenty minute run to let off steam before we drove back home.
    “I’m glad we got that run in too,” Dave replied. “Between Cal Peet, Gerald being sick, and my job interview, it’s been one

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