Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 5: Debug Mode

Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 5: Debug Mode by Ben Winston Read Free Book Online

Book: Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 5: Debug Mode by Ben Winston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Winston
later; you, me, your wife Christy and the two finest Shallan armorers in Clan Therinate. What do you need to talk to the Quartermaster for? Do you need something from the core worlds?”
    “I need to place an urgent order from something very special for a special group of Marines,” I replied.
    F . C. B. Honor of Vengeance
    Stationary orbit
    Northwest Territories
    Planet Earth
    Sol System
    “I t’s hard to believe such a beautiful landscape could be infested with Aracs,” He’rsree said more to herself than to anyone else.
    Her comment was heard by her commanding officer though. “Indeed, Captain. Their presence in such a place is in itself a form of evil most cannot comprehend,” Cren’lith replied. “I am told that fires are a natural part of the renewal for these forests. If we must burn this place, at least we know it will quickly recover.”
    The Honor of Vengeance scanners had located the most probable location for the hive; the place was far removed from the impact site of the pod. In fact it is relatively near inhabited areas, which made Cren’lith uncomfortable.
    “Sir, the retrieval team has secured the Arac pod and is returning it to the ship,” a controller reported.
    “Very well, thank you,” the Simonian replied. “Alright, listen up people. The Honor is triple checking every square hand-span of ground between the impact site and here. So far, all indications tell us the Hive is below us. There are two small settlements only a few tens of klicks away, easily within range for the Arac soldiers. For now, neither settlement has been hit.
    “Once we are on the ground, AI Honor will use Doctor Ced’s new drones to locate any burrows that might be the hive entrances. Be aware that the biologists from Earth tell us that several species of wildlife use underground burrows as dens. None of these species welcome visitors. To that end, each drone will investigate the burrow until they locate the hive.
    “Once AI Honor locates a hive entrance, we will proceed to that location and she will continue to search for more entrances. Each company has been issued one of Lord Doctor Cowan’s control units and two drones. Use them to make your initial investigations; equipment is far easier to replace than you are and we do have spares.
    “You have been briefed on the local military. For the time being, they have not been deployed. Expect that to change as soon as we are detected to be on the ground. Our shuttles will deploy in a rough circle surrounding the main entrance once located, and raise their shields to protect us from local military interference.
    “Captain Edgigly will be evacuating the closest settlements to the large village to the south, so we will not have to worry about civilian casualties.” He placed a small icon on the map display all the commanders were standing around. “We will drop here and set up a temporary base camp. Once AI Honor locates the entrance, we will relocate to there. As soon as we are on planet, all recorders are to be turned on and all data is to be relayed to AI Honor.”
    “All recorders, Sir, even the audio and video feeds from the individual marines?” one of the officers asked.
    “Yes, every feed is to be sent up to be recorded. We know virtually nothing of the Aracs. All information we can glean from our actions here must be treasured,” Cren’lith replied; to which the assembled officers could only agree.
    “Any further questions?” the big Simonian asked. When none were forthcoming, he nodded. “Good, let us proceed. Operations, we are ready to begin.”
    “Understood Colonel. Air cover launches in fifteen minutes. Full drop in twenty; please make final preparations.  This mission is a go.” Captain Edgigly replied this time. “Good luck and good hunting Colonel.”
    C anadian Forces Base
    Alberta, Canada
    Planet Earth

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