That Boy
at first I thought they were,” I smile, but the boys don't seem as appalled by our parents' behavior as I am, so I open the beers and grab a knife out of the drawer. I slice lime wedges, put one in each beer and hand them to the boys.
    “So no hot tub?” Danny asks crabbily, as he takes a swig of beer. “Figures.”
    “Let's watch a movie then,” Phillip suggests, as he pulls a sweatshirt over his head. He turns to me with a sweet grin. “And you can make us some popcorn and nachos.”
    Like I can't turn him down when he grins at me.
actually, I can't
    “Let me guess, American Pie for the hundred-millionth time?” I ask, knowing full well what the answer will be.
    I make snacks, and we head toward the family room. I notice that Danny is moving very slowly. He's obviously sore, and he seems to be irritable. Unusual for him after a big game, especially a game he won practically single handily with his sheer will. I'd expect him to be flying high.
    “What's wrong with you?” I ask him. “You had such an incredible game. Why are you being such a crab?”
    “It was a rough game,” he snarls at me, and then softer, “I'm just kind of sore, I guess.”
    I plop down on the couch between the boys.
    “Do you want me to rub your back?” I ask Danny nicely. Lots of times after a game, we'll watch movies and I'll rub Danny or Phillip's shoulders. I doubt Phillip is at all sore. He's Danny's number one receiver, but he got double-teamed all night and only got open in the flats. (Close in to the line of scrimmage, not way down field like usual.) That's why it was such a tough game. Most teams can't shut down the Danny and Phillip combination, but tonight they did. Because they have played together so much, it's like Danny always knows where Phillip is going to be, even before he gets there. They make some amazing plays together and have a lot of confidence in each other. It's really pretty cool to watch.
    About midway through the movie, I say something to Danny and he snaps at me. “ What? ”
    “Jeez, Danny, I just asked if you took some Advil.”
    “No,” he says a little nicer.
    “I'll grab you some,” I say, and pat his forearm reassuringly.
    He practically jumps off the couch when I touch his arm.
    “What is wrong with you?” I yell.
    “ I'm just a little sore there! ”
    I squint my eyes at that boy. What's going on?
    “Danny, let me see your arm.”
    He sighs madly, but gingerly holds it up for me.
    I examine his forearm. No wonder he's such a crab. His arm is quite swollen. So I touch it very gently, and crap, it feels hot to the touch.
    This is not good.
    And the skin is all shiny looking.
    Just a little sore
, my ass.
    This arm is broken.
    “Danny!!! No wonder you're being such a butt. Your arm is broken.”
    My screeching gets Phillip's attention away from the TV, where a hot girl is taking off her shirt.
    “Did it happen on that last play? When you stiff-armed that guy? His helmet hit your arm, didn't it?” Phillip asks in rapid-fire succession.
    “Um, yeah. I think so,” Danny mutters, then he turns to me and says, “It can't be broken, Jay. Coach thought it was just bruised.”
    “Yeah, well, I hate to tell you this, Danny, but he's wrong .”

    Next thing I know, I'm sprinting back over to my house. I bang through the gate and stand in front of the hot tub again.
    Everyone stares at me like I'm spoiling their fun, and they wish I would leave.
    I ignore that possibility and announce, “Hey guys, um, I think Danny broke his arm.”
    I know
will at least get their attention.
    “ What? ” they all say in alarmed unison.
    Oh sure,
we're all concerned.
    “Not his throwing arm?” Danny's dad asks.
    God forbid!
    And then Mr. Mac asks, “How?” before I can get a word in edgewise.
    I answer them both, “No. It's his left forearm, and it happened when he stiff armed that guy in the fourth quarter right before he scored.”
    Dad asks me, “Did they look at it in the locker

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