about working on your own body language to enhance your impact and maximize your success:
STeP One: knOW yOUR gOAL(S) If you were about to shoot a gun, you'd be given three basic commands:
TAke Aim
The order of these three words is simple but vital to ensure you hit your target . But how do you currently communicate?
... um... take aim?
The success rate of this approach is about the same as the success rate of firing a gun before you've aimed and expecting to hit the target . Apart from anything else, it's dangerous!
Speaking before you think is a common problem, and 44 T he B O Dy LA ng U A ge R U Le S
the thing about our communications and transactions is that often we don't bother to aim them before we fire . We're a bit flaccid about our target planning . Our body language aiming is especially suspect . We don't get to see our own body language and so we tend to just let it do its own thing . Like an overindulged child, though, it starts to become a bit of a liability .
When did you last "take aim" with your body language? If you've had a difficult transaction, or communication, with time for planning and preparation I bet you spent any prep time working out what to say rather than how to say it . Or how about approaching someone you are attracted to? There are loads of articles in men's magazines extolling the virtues of different pick-up lines but few that describe how a guy should stand if he wants to impress a girl .
Like every other aspect of a transaction, your body language needs to be fine-tuned in keeping with your goal(s) .
There are four different types of image goals for you to target:
� The "lifetime achievement" goal: the image you want to
project to others on a regular and long-term basis .
� The strategic goal: flexing your image and impact to suit
a short-term set of circumstances .
� The professional goal: adopting a corporate or more
professional image that matches your chosen career . hOW TO m A k e y O U R B O D y LA n g U A g e W O R k F OR yO U 45
� The role goal: adopting differing images to suit your
different life roles and responsibilities, like parent,
daughter, wife, team-player, friend, and so on .
If you understand your goals you will be well on the way to understanding how to maximize your body language techniques to achieve them . If you suffer from goal- confusion, though, you're destined to look something of a prize chump .
Before you attend an important meeting or scenario spend a few moments creating specific image goals for that meeting . Ask yourself:
I how do I want to be perceived?
I If I were wearing a t-shirt with words printed across the front to
describe me and my personality, what would I want those words
to say?
I What body language can I use to get those words across?
Spend a few more moments visualizing those words . To do this you can work on very basic body language rules and knowledge . For instance, if one t-shirt word is "confident," visualize people you know who look confident and then see yourself acting in the same way . This technique is a great learning tool for body language as it replicates the system you used to learn how to move and gesticulate in your childhood: play and mimicry . 46 T he B O Dy LA ng U A ge R U Le S
As a basic ploy you can create a simple body language tool-kit that will make instant improvements, like:
if youR TARgeT quAliTy is ConfidenCe Your body language tools are:
I Steady eye contact
I Upright posture
I Open gestures
I A relaxed facial expression
I your smile
if youR TARgeT quAliTy is fRiendliness Your body language tools are:
I Smiling
I nodding
I A warm handshake
I Softened eye expression
I Standing face-on to the other person
if youR TARgeT quAliTy is sTATus oR leAdeRshiP Your body language tools are:
I A firm handshake
I good eye contact
I Straight posture
I Sitting centrally or at the front
I no