The Brickmaker's Bride

The Brickmaker's Bride by Judith Miller Read Free Book Online

Book: The Brickmaker's Bride by Judith Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Miller
who can we trust?” Rising from her chair, Laura’s mother crossed the room and sat down at the hand-carved maple writing desk. She dipped her pen into the ink, signed her name, and blotted her signature before handing the document back to Winston. “Thank you for your assistance, Winston. And do tell Mr. Crothers and Mr. McKay that if they have any questions regarding thebooks and paper work at the brickyard, Laura will do whatever she can to assist them.”
    “I’m sure they’ll be capable of handling matters, but I’ll pass along your offer.” He smiled at Laura. “Don’t feel any obligation, Laura. Irishmen can be a rough lot, especially when they’re drinking. Once they take possession, any problems belong to them. I don’t want you mingling with them, and there’s no need for you to go near the brickyard.”
    Winston’s cautionary command surprised her. Although he’d escorted her to several social gatherings, he obviously didn’t know her as well as he believed. If so, he would have withheld his attempt to keep her from the brickyard. “Irish or not, I have no worries about Mr. Crothers and Mr. McKay.” She offered him a bright smile. “I appreciate your concern, but I am confident they are honorable men.”
    “Of course they are. We’re going to be pleased to have them as our neighbors.” Mrs. Woodfield reached across the table and patted Winston’s hand. “Would you care for a cup of coffee to celebrate? I have a few questions about our Ladies of the Union group. Laura thought you might be able to furnish me with some information.”
    Winston folded the documents and returned them to his inner pocket. “Mr. Crothers and Mr. McKay are anxiously awaiting my return. Perhaps I can come back and discuss your questions later in the week.”
    “Of course. It’s not urgent.” Mrs. Woodfield grasped Winston’s arm and walked him to the front door.
    “I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. McKay were out at the brickyard digging clay before noon. The man is impatient to begin work.”
    “That kind of determination would certainly win my admiration. My husband had that same type of resolve. That’s whatmade his brickyard a success. I hope it will do the same for Mr. Crothers and Mr. McKay.” She stepped onto the front porch and smiled up at Winston. “I’m sure you feel the same way.”
    Winston muttered an inaudible reply before mounting his horse. “Good day, ladies.”
    Laura followed her mother inside. “I’m sorry to rush off, Mother, but Zeke will be bringing the buggy around for me any minute now.” She picked up her gloves from the table and started tugging them on. “If I don’t hurry I’ll be late to the orphanage, and Mrs. Tremble will think I’ve forgotten I’m scheduled to help this morning.”
    Her mother sighed. “I wouldn’t want you to be late. I suppose I can sit on the porch and finish my morning coffee by myself.”
    Laura chuckled and patted her mother’s shoulder. “Now, don’t be acting so gloomy. I’ll be home in time for the noonday meal. I promised the children we’d do something special today, and I don’t want to disappoint them.”
    “I know the youngsters at the orphanage look forward to your time with them, but I believe the visits are even more important to you.” A look of concern clouded her mother’s eyes. “Be careful with your affections, my dear. Becoming overly attached can only lead to heartache.”
    Laura leaned forward and brushed a kiss on her mother’s cheek. “Please don’t worry about me, Mother. I’m merely doing what you’ve taught me: helping those in need.” Laura assumed a carefree air as she took up her reticule and strode toward the door.
    Mrs. Woodfield followed close on her heels. “I hope Mrs. Tremble hasn’t convinced you to take over her position when she retires. I know she thinks you’d be the perfect replacement. Volunteering to help with the children is one thing, but taking over as the administrator of the

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