The Curse of Naar

The Curse of Naar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Curse of Naar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
air. They lash out at you with stunning ferocity, forcing you to retreat along the trail before their stinging blows: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. With mounting dread you realize that these vines are not plants at all: they are hostile living creatures.
    Beneath the coating of moss which sheathes the vines are hundreds of tiny hollow barbs, capable of ripping flesh to shreds. You strike out at them, smashing one in half. It emits a high-pitched squeal as it recoils, trailing a spray of sticky green slime from its broken tip. As if enraged by their companion's cry of pain, the remaining vines snake towards you with increased tenacity. You must fight them.
    Haemodyls: COMBAT SKILL  49    ENDURANCE  45
    These vine-creatures are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-blast and Kai-ray. If you possess Animal Mastery, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.
    If you win the combat, turn to 19 .

    Unfortunately, when you are halfway across the bridge you are spotted by a Lavas passing high overhead. Immediately it signals to two of its companions and all three creatures swoop down to block your exit. Their cries of alarm attract more than two dozen of their kin, and also alert the reptilians that are lining the parapet. At a given command they close in and attack you mercilessly with their spears and tridents. You fight back with stunning bravery, dispatching more than ten Lavas and seven reptilians before eventually you succumb to their sheer weight of numbers.
    Sadly, your life and your quest end here on the Huan'zhor Chasm Bridge.

    Rimoah ushers you to a refectory table at the entrance to the chamber where Lord Ardan is carefully arranging artefacts upon a sheet of scarlet silk, and he invites you to inspect these curious items. He glances at your sword belt and smiles when he sees the finely-crafted hilt of the Sommerswerd protruding from your scabbard.
    ‘Well, I see you'll have no need of new weaponry, Grand Master. Surely there can be no blade better suited to the slaying of the Dark God's foul creatures than the one you already possess — the Sword of the Sun.’
    ‘Aye,’ comments Ardan, ‘ 'tis true. Your divine sword can vanquish any of Naar's creations. It may even possess power enough to smite the Dark God himself!’
    Lord Ardan's words lift your spirits. It is comforting to hear that you possess at least one effective weapon against the horrors you may have to face during your quest for the Moonstone.
    ‘It is a fine blade, Grand Master,’ says Rimoah, ‘but be sure to use it with utmost discretion. It was crafted upon the Plane of Light and it radiates a strong and goodly aura. In Naar's domain its radiant energies could attract unwanted attention.’
    If you possess a Korlinium Scabbard, turn to 258 .
    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 341 .

    Your speed and skill have devastated the maggot swarm. You have slain more than half their number and forced the remainder to seek shelter in the shadowy recesses of this reeking hall. You sense also that your victory over the swarm has greatly weakened the spirit of Cadak. You are about to seize the advantage and launch a psychic attack when suddenly you hear something quite unexpected.
    ‘Spare me and forgive me, Lone Wolf,’ pleads Cadak's plaintive voice in your mind. ‘I renounce my evil past. Forgive me so that death may free my soul from the slavery of Evil. Grant me this salvation and I shall help you to escape from the realm of the Künae.’
    The receding tide of maggots has revealed a glowing ring that lies on the slime-smeared floor at the centre of the hall.
    ‘Take the ring, Lone Wolf. Take the ring and grant me your forgiveness. With the ring the way is clear for you to leave this hall through the Tunnel of the Wyrm.’
    Beyond the flame-like spirit of Cadak you can see the rotting rib cage of the reptilian carcass. The semicircular shadow that occupies it is now pulsing with a warm,

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