The Earl of Her Dreams

The Earl of Her Dreams by Anne Mallory Read Free Book Online

Book: The Earl of Her Dreams by Anne Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Mallory
Black,” she said primly, although the effect was rather ruined by the splashed ale on her shirt and the smudge on her nose.
    “So you were, what? Sewing in the corner?”
    “I was helping Daisy clear mugs from the tables. Which is what I should be doing now.”
    “Helpful of you. Next time try to follow Daisy’s lead and beat a hasty retreat from the room when a fight breaks out.”
    Her chin rose. She started to say something, gritted her teeth, and then repeated the sequence several times before finally saying, “Thank you for helping me during the fight.”
    The sentence was torn from her, but Christian just smiled. The hand on his back had said it already. Maybe, just maybe he could stay an extra night at the inn after retrieving the journal. He had a feeling that seducing Kate would be worth it. And his feelings about women seldom led him astray. “You’re welcome, Kate.”
    Kate glanced around quickly, her shoulders relaxing as she saw the others had congregated in the center of the room to discuss matters, too far away to hear his soft statement of her name. She gave Christian an unreadable look, muttered something about helping in the kitchen since Mr. Wicket was making the men clean up, and hurried off.
    He watched her go. Yes, the night was shaping up to be interesting indeed.
    The tables were soon righted and the mess cleaned. Some men drifted into the open dining room, while others ordered another round. Christian noticed that the new round of drinks tasted substantially weaker than the previous one, no doubt watered down to prevent another brawl.
    “Mr. Tiegs, Mr. Black, my apologies about the mess. You are both unhurt?”
    Christian and the well-dressed man who had stayed out of the fight nodded, their gazes resting on each other rather than on the innkeeper. Christian had a feeling he was looking at the most dangerous man in the room.
    “Good, good. Julius, help me with this heavy bench? Wouldn’t want to trip Mr. Tiegs.”
    Julius winced infinitesimally as he looked at Tiegs. So there was someone Julius obviously deferred to and/or feared. Interesting.
    Christian leaned back in his chair, lifted his new mug, and watched the door for Freewater and the damn journal. He also decided to keep an eye on Tiegs. Two bodyguards? And why had he ordered his lackey to stop Lake from hitting Janson? Janson, with all his bravado, was obviously cowed by Tiegs.
    Christian shook his head. No sense in speculating. He wouldn’t be at the inn long enough to sort through the layers of politics and maneuverings motivating the room’s occupants. His primary focus was on snatching Anthony’s journal.
    As much as he wanted to strangle his friend, he really would do anything for him. Meeting and befriending Anthony at Eton had changed his lifeand taken him from the dark shadow of his family. If the journal was as damaging to Anthony as he had led Christian to believe, then Christian had to get it out of Freewater’s possession as soon as possible.
    Nothing would stop him.
    Hours later, Christian wearily made his way upstairs. Nothing would stop him except Freewater never leaving his damn room. He was going to resort to knocking on the man’s door and hitting him with a fireplace poker if he didn’t cooperate soon.
    He gave Freewater’s door a disgusted glance and reached for the knob on his own door, only to find it locked. Light knocking did no good, so he pounded on the grainy wood. Moments later Kate stuck her head out, looking disgruntled, her cap and head wrap slightly askew. She made a hasty check of the hallway before dragging him inside.
    “What are you doing?” she hissed as she began to gather up a pile of clothing laid out for mending. She had obviously taken a nap, if her rumpled clothing and skewed headgear were anything to go by.
    “I’m returning to my room.”
    She straightened and placed her hands on herhips. “You said you were going to stay in the taproom most of the night.”
    “I changed

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