The Forgotten Prince (Shifter Rebellion, 3)

The Forgotten Prince (Shifter Rebellion, 3) by Kelex Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Forgotten Prince (Shifter Rebellion, 3) by Kelex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelex
Tags: Erótica, Gay, oral, mm, menage, Multiple Partners, gay erotica, anal sex, kelex, anal play, mmmm, mmm, ménage a quatre, quad, shifter rebellion, traid
He wanted to succumb, just like both his brothers
seemed willing to do, but there was more to the prince then what
met the eye. “Prince Aleth has been toying with us from the first
moment. I won’t fall into a trap.”
    “ He’s a virgin,” Ryllan
    Shock filled Amaden. A virgin? “And
you know this how? Did you sample him while you were back
    Ryllan scowled in Amaden’s direction.
“No, I asked him. The resulting blush and response was all the
knowledge I needed.”
    “ He could be a practiced
actor, for all we know,” Greylin added.
    “ Yes, that,” Amaden
growled as he pointed in Greylin’s direction. “At least one of you
is considering there could be more to this than it appears. He has
done his damnedest to keep us on our toes since the first moment we
laid eyes on him. And how do we know he hasn’t wiped your mind and
added whatever information he wanted to? We don’t know the limits
of his power. We must be vigilant.”
    Ryllan let out an exasperated sigh.
“Then come with me. One of you, come with me and let’s go and test
    “ Test him how?” Greylin
    “ We’ll see if he’s a
virgin or not,” Ryllan answered.
    Amaden laughed. “Oh, that’s rich. You
test his honesty by taking his body. And give him the opportunity
to clear your mind as well?”
    “ He tried,” Ryllan said.
“He made the attempt to wipe my memories, and his power didn’t work
on me.”
    “ Or maybe it did,” Amaden
said. “And you only remember what he wants you to.”
    Ryllan growled, jumping to his feet
and showing his temper. “Why must it always be moving in circles
with you, Amaden? I know we’ve never had happiness in this world.
We were raised to think we were less and undeserving of anything.
We’ve been given a gift in the prince, and we will continue to be
alone and unhappy if we don’t take the blessing set in our lap.
Yes, it might be a trap. Yes, we might be asking for trouble. But
the reward is worth it.”
    “ You’d give up our kingdom
for that shifter?” Amaden asked. “Because if he wipes our minds,
our people are lost.”
    “ Before we left, you were
wondering why we were helping to fight this war. Now it’s a shield
you’re using to fight your feelings for the prince,” Greylin said.
“We both know you’ve had eyes for Agarri. We see how you’ve stared
at him, with longing in your gaze. His twin sits in the bedroom,
alone and scared, wanting to be touched. Wanting to be held. And
you sit here refusing to give in.”
    “ And you were sure we’d
prove ourselves to our brethren and have them accept us for once by
fighting at their side. What do you think they’d think of us if we
failed here?” Amaden asked Greylin.
    “ I think we follow in
Prince Agarri’s footsteps and trust the Oracle, just as he does.
Prince Agarri said that his brother would need us to overcome the
anger he feels. Leaving him alone to ponder his future won’t make
that happen,” Greylin shot back.
    Ryllan cut in. “Greylin, come with me.
Let Amaden stew in his own mind if he can’t see reason.”
    Greylin looked to Amaden, as if
seeking his permission.
    “ This is Agarri’s brother.
A prince. Not some whore from the whorehouses in the quadrant.
We’ve fucked our share of males, but this one is different. Once
you’ve had him, you can’t just walk away,” Amaden said,
    Greylin shook his head. “Who said
anything about walking away? If he’s truly our mate, and I sense
that he is, this is forever. Now you need to decide if you’re
willing to consider that chance, Amaden.”
    “ Go! If you want to play
with the little prince’s body and test his virginity, then by all
means. But you make sure his hands are tied to the bed and you keep
them far from your head. And make sure you don’t take it too
    Greylin shook his head. “Too far? It
will go where it leads. Don’t get left behind, brother.”
    Amaden snarled and listened to his

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