The Forgotten Prince (Shifter Rebellion, 3)
was quiet a moment. “Agarri
wants me to help him win.”
    “ We want to free our
people. Without you helping the other side, we have a better chance
at winning. Information you give us could help turn the
    “ How do I know his motives
are better than my father’s?”
    Ryllan knelt before the prince. “We
seek to make things the way they were before and give our people
their freedom back.”
    “ The way things were? They
weren’t so great for me before the enslavement. Not that things
were much better after, either.” Aleth cast a glance at the silver
sleeve that hid his hand. “At least after the enslavement my belly
was always full and I didn’t have to worry where my next meal would
come from.”
    A protective instinct roared up in
Ryllan’s chest. “You won’t have that problem again. I vow
    Ryllan’s mouth went dry as he realized
what he’d just committed to—without his triad brother’s permission.
But he knew his brothers wouldn’t allow the prince to starve or be
abused, nor would Agarri.
    Aleth looked up at Ryllan. “And why
would you vow that to me?”
    Ryllan stood, unwilling to answer the
question. He backed closer to the door. “I’ll leave you to consider
our conversation.”
    Prince Aleth looked up, capturing
Ryllan’s stare. “I’ve never wanted anyone before. Why do I want the
three of you so desperately?”
    Ryllan was shocked a little by the raw
honesty the prince asked the question with. Did the prince sense
the connection Ryllan had to admit he felt? He’d attributed the
sensation to the oracle’s prophecy getting in his head and making
him feel things that weren’t really there. But if the prince felt
it—without knowing what the oracle said—perhaps there was some
truth in the claim.
    “ I don’t know,” Ryllan
    Prince Aleth looked defeated. “Do you
follow the old ways? Are you a triad?”
    “ We are,” Ryllan answered,
willing to offer that up.
    “ And you will claim your
mate together?”
    “ No,” Ryllan said,
clenching his jaw. He wanted to scream yes. He wanted to lay claim
to Aleth then and there.
    “ Why not?”
    “ We’re freaks. We will
have no mate,” Ryllan answered after a moment of
    Aleth stood and walked closer to
Ryllan. Once he arrived, he lifted a hand to the side of Ryllan’s
face, caressing his cheek just under Ryllan’s eye. “I think your
eyes are unique. They make you more handsome.”
    Ryllan stood there, staring at his
prince, wanting to kiss him again. Instead, he turned his lips into
Aleth’s palm and kissed him there. If he did more, then he’d end up
bedding Aleth and breaking the promised he’d made with his
    “ I have to go, Prince
    Aleth stepped back, his lips turning
down. “If you must.”
    “ I must,” Ryllan grit out,
but didn’t move. He couldn’t.
    “ I’ve been very lonely my
entire life. I find the thought of being held in this room, alone,
very unsatisfying. You could remain here. Keep me
    Aleth was so beautiful. And within
reach. He could sink into the prince’s soft body and find oblivion
    And Aleth would allow it.
    Two lonely males, finding solace in
one another.
    Was that the only reason
he wanted Aleth? There was more to this than willingness, Ryllan
was sure. Ryllan couldn’t ignore the chant of mine, mine, mine going on in his
    “ I must go.” Finally he
tore himself away and rushed out of the door. He stormed down the
hall, toward the bridge. He and his brothers had to have a
    Aleth was theirs to have.
    Why did they have to choose to be

Chapter Eight
    “ So far the Oracle has
been right. Prince Agarri has a twin, he was found in the castle as
expected, and we’ve rescued him. Why is it so far out to think the
prince could be ours? Prince Agarri seemed content with the idea,
so why are we fighting it?”
    Because we don’t deserve
him. Amaden stared ahead as he listened to
Ryllan’s plea.

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