The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1)

The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1) by Jen Gentry Read Free Book Online

Book: The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1) by Jen Gentry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Gentry
and the Sims’s home with intercessory prayer. We cannot fail. This mission is too important.”
         The remaining angels raised their swords in salute. “For the Lamb, who alone is worthy,” they shouted as they dispersed in haste to get the prayer coverage started.
         “And greatly to be praised,” intoned Liam. He raised his wings and covered his head, communing with the Lord and the Holy Spirit. All over town, the saints awakened and found themselves on bended knees before they even knew what to pray for.
         Gemma was the only saint who knew exactly what was happening. Staniel shared everything with her so that she could pray in the Spirit for the boy and for the protection of them all.

Chapter Six
    The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
    Luke 4:5-7
    New International Version
         Amelia Stanford, a reclusive middle aged woman, lived alone in despair.
         She spent her days wandering around her large Manhattan penthouse. Money had never been an issue for her, but there are some things even money cannot fix. In the last ten years, Amelia lost everyone she had ever cared about in her life, lost them finally and forever.
         Her baby sister died from a drug overdose after a failed marriage to a horrible man. The shock of her death triggered the passing of both parents.
    Her loss broke their hearts and they simply gave up.
         Amelia, once a vibrant and beautiful young socialite, popular and admired in her circle, now looked twice her age as the ravages of grief and loneliness took a toll on her health.
         All she had left in her life was a vast fortune and a grieving, withered soul.
         She sat at her desk this day, writing a letter to her solitary surviving relative, her nephew. After a long delay, her he was finally in a place where she could communicate with him without his father intervening.
         Amelia had spent a fortune on private investigators to keep an eye on the boy, waiting for the precise moment to reach out to her sister’s only child. Unlike countless others she’d written that he’d never received, he’d get this letter. In it was information the boy could use to contact her.
         Hope was all that remained as she prayed the boy would not reject her the way his father had. Just as she finished sealing the envelope, a knock on the door told her the private messenger had arrived. She handed him the letter and round trip plane tickets to Roswell, New Mexico.
         “Remember, you must personally give him this envelope. Personally.”
         “Yes, madam. I will place the letter in the boy’s hands.” He took it, the plane tickets, a large cash payment for his services and left.
         A silent watcher stood just inside the doorway to the penthouse, his presence unseen and undetected by humans. It had been this angel’s assignment to cloak and cover Amelia since the death of her sister. Unbeknownst to her, he had never left her side in all that time.
         The guardian angels of Hook Pond assumed the protection of Emily and Marta’s school.
         Enormous warrior angels surrounded the entire building, including the rooftops. With a strict no
    demons allowed policy in place, they stayed hyper vigilant for marauding attackers seeking entrance.
         Now, the demons must wait outside the school grounds for their charges to come out. This bit of news infuriated Azelius, demon prince of Hook Pond, as it diminished him. Angelic interference of any kind threatened his status.
         He raged at his minions, face contorted with anger as he blasted the demon horde for their shoddy performance.

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