relieved I am to hear you say that. I haven’t had an easy minute since I asked you. They stopped, and looked off in the direction of the mountains.
“It is more beautiful here than you described,” she said.
He took her hands in his and looked into the dark blue pools that were her eyes. He felt the tingle again. He must have twitched because Carrie stepped back. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing’s wrong, but both times I’ve touched your hands, I feel a shock. Carrie, will you be my wife? I want to be w ith you for the rest of forever.”
“Yes, I will be your wife. You are all I hoped you would be.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed he rself against him. She tilted her head back to accept the kiss her husband to be was about to offer.
Case was not experienced in the art of kissing, but he managed. Hand in hand, they turned around and went back to inform their friends.
Letty pushed the curtains back in place, after watching the couple. “It’s going to work,” she said happily. Her husband smiled. He liked it when his wife was happy and she was happy now.
“Carrie has agreed to become my wife,” Case announced when they re-entered the house . “Jack, we would like for you to perform the service.”
“I look forward to it,” Jack said. “I know you didn’t have time to make any plans, but I would guess you want to do it right away?”
“Yes, we would,” they chorused.
“You will need to get a license,” I could do it immediately after you do that.”
Carrie looked at Case. “May I?” she asked.
He nodded. “I would like to be married in church, if that’s all right with Case.”
“It’s fine with me,” he said.
“Okay,” Jack said, “Sunday it is. Case, I’m afraid you get the lumpy sofa tonight.”
“I’ve slept on worse,” he said. “It’s softer than the ground. Tomorrow, we’ll get the license, and then I would like to show Carrie the Lazy J. I guess we’ll need a chaperone. Letty, will you do the honors?”
“Of course, but is it really necessary ? What do you think, Jack?”
“You two are scandalous, you know that?” Case asked. “I am sure Carrie is more comfortable with waiting until Sunday.”
“ Oh, you’re sure of Carrie are you?” Carrie asked, playing along,
“Case wasn’t certain whether he was being teased or not. He decided he was, and laughed. Jack and Letty went to bed, leaving the two of them in the living room talking. Carrie asked Case if he wanted kids. He did. More than one?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“You need to write your family that you arrived safely and tell them we’ll be married on Sunday,” he said.
“You’re right and I would like you to help. Let’s do that tonight, and we can get it mailed tomorrow morning. Carrie was doing the writing while Case was brainstorming. He made several suggestions,
“ Did you show her the letter from Letty?” Case nibbled her ear.
She giggled. “She saw the letter, and liked it.
‘Wha t are you doing?” she asked.
“Nibbling your ear,” he said. “It tastes good too.”
“ Well, you better stop it. It is distracting me.
She sat on his lap and said , “Now I can defend myself.”
Sitting on his lap , parts of her body were brushing or pressed against him, and causing him physical distress. “Case, I want to be kissed.”
He kissed her softly o n the cheek. His arms were around her waist, hers around his neck. He cupped her chin with his hand, and pressed his lips to hers. Both were emitting little moans of satisfaction.
“She s aid, “Now, one more, nose to nose and toes to toes kiss, and I’m going to bed.” She stood and moved comfortably into his arms, her head was tilted back. Waiting.
chapter Twelve
The First Real Kiss
Those incredible blue eyes. They drew him in. As he looked into them, he tightened his arms around her waist. He leaned his head to touch the soft, tender lips. It was like touching a flame. The contact
Leah Spiegel, Megan Summers