The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides)

The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
caused shivers to race down his spine. She parted her lips to allow him entry.
    When his tongue touched the tip of hers, she felt her knees wobble. She had been kissed before, but it had been a long time. She wanted this one, and responded eagerly. She pressed against him, feeling her nipples firm as they touched his chest. Purrs of delight came forth as she responded. This feels good. If this is a sign of what our marriage is going to be like, I can hardly wait.
    Carrie broke the kiss. “Whew, she said breathlessly. “Enough of that. If I’m not careful, I could get to like it. I had better toddle off to my room.”
    She retrieved a nightgown from her carpet bag, and began undressing. When she removed her chemise, she looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at the image, and placed a hand under each firm breast. The nipples were erect. Desire raced through her to the core of her being. I made the right decision, its going to be good, she thought happily.  She reached for the gown and pulled it over her head. She sat in front of the dresser and brushed her hair, counting the strokes.
    Pulling back the covers, she crawled into bed, sighed, and fell asleep, not stirring until the first hints of daylight peeked through the curtains.
    The best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. Carrie yawned, and stretched. Out of bed, she pulled back the curtain and peeked out. It was daylight. She relieved herself in the chamber pot, thoughtfully provided by her hosts. She sat in front of the mirror, brushing the tangles from her hair. One… two… three, all the way to one hundred, a routine instilled by her mother, when she was a little girl. “A girl’s hair is her crowning glory.” was one of her mother’s old expressions. The routine reminded her she needed to write, telling them of her safe arrival. That can wait. Today, I’m going to get a marriage license and see my new home!
    She dressed and made her way to the kitchen, where she found everyone else was up and having a cup of coffee. The smell of baking bread filled the room. “Good morning, everyone. I’m embarrassed,” she said. “I feel like such a slug-a-bed. I slept like the dead.” She walked over to Case, who had stood when she came into the room. She raised to her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. His face colored.
    “Did I embarrass you?” she asked. “You will have to get used to that. I’m an affectionate, touchy person.”
    “I can certainly get used to that,” he said.
    “Case, I think you have a keeper here,” Jack said.
    “Amen to that,” echoed Letty.
    “Can I help with anything?” she asked Letty.
    I’m good, the biscuits are just about ready. It’s been some time since I’ve cooked for more than Jack. This is nice. What’s the agenda this morning?” she asked.
    “I thought we’d go to the clerk’s office and get a license, then stop in and introduce Carrie to Silas, Case said. “After that, I’d like to go to the ranch and let her see where she’s going to live for the rest of her life.”
    “I like the sound of that,” Carrie said. “Are you coming with us?” she asked Letty. “I’d love to have you.”
    “Why don’t you two just share this experience together? We’ll have plenty of time, when you get back. Why not stay at the ranch tonight, and we’ll see you at the services on Sunday.”
    “I don’t think that would be proper, do you?” Case asked .
    “It wouldn’t bother me,” Letty said. “I know you and feel I know Carrie well enough.” She looked at Jack with an im pish grin. “Besides, what would be the harm?”
    “None I guess, and this will probably sound weird, but I want everything to be right, with no regrets,” Case said.
    After picking up the license, Carrie walked with Case to the general store. In the dim light, Carrie saw a man wearing an apron coming from behind some sacks of feed.
    Case did the honors. “Silas, this is Carrie Robbins. Ca rrie, Silas Farmer. We’re going to

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