The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16)

The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16) by Alexie Aaron Read Free Book Online

Book: The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16) by Alexie Aaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexie Aaron
Tags: &NEW
be to do the same thing up at the hotel?” he asked Ted.
    “It depends on the satellite hookup.  If the cable network isn’t paying for it, I think it would be too costly.  Besides, we don’t know if we’ll have a satisfactory ending to the investigation.  The Price Hills Resort people could negate us airing the footage.  And if we’ve already done it…”
    “Cart before the horse, problems,” Cid chimed in.
    Mike nodded.  “Well, it was worth a try.”
    Mia was happy it was a no-go; she didn’t like the first broadcast much.  No telling, if Mike was in charge, what kind of getup she would have to wear.
    “Any new business?” he asked.
    No one spoke up.
    “Okay, let’s adjourn the meeting and start pouring some of that champagne,” Burt ordered.
    Mia put her hand on Cid’s arm.  “Can I talk to you a moment, in private?”
    “Sure.  Why don’t we go upstairs?” he said.
    Mia followed him out into the barn and up the stairs.  She waited until the door was shut before handing him the piece of paper, explaining, “This is where Chastity Murphy is buried.  It’s in a little community not far from where we are going to be investigating.  Perhaps you can stop on the way up?”
    Cid looked at the map and a small sketch of the location where Father Santos described they would find Chastity’s grave.  “It looks like a small place.”
    “It’s cared for by the local priest.  I think it’s important for Murphy to know she hasn’t been abandoned.”
    “I understand.  Well, we better get back before Ted suspects we’re up to no good.”
    “Was that an option?” Mia teased.
    Cid pushed her out the door.  “Out with the bad…”
    Mia laughed.  They joined the others downstairs. Mia declined the champagne and sipped on an iced coffee instead.
    “So you’re pregnant again,” Mike said.
    “I am not.”
    “No booze.”
    “I had too much last night.  It made me kind of loco.”
    “You really didn’t have that much.  I was looking out for you,” Mike said.
    “I don’t know what exactly is going on with me these days.  All I know is, I can’t get enough sex,” Mia said, turning to look Mike full in the face.  Her eyes were dilated, and her lips were pouty.  “I just want it all the time.”
    “Mia, stop it,” Mike said, getting up.
    Mia continued to stare at him.
    “Stop it.”
    She gave him a lazy smile and turned away to stare out the window.
    Audrey, who witnessed Mia torturing Mike, wondered why Mia would purposely make the elder investigator uncomfortable.  She knew there was a history between the two, but Mike definitely was never Mia’s kind of guy, as far as Audrey knew.
    Mia got up and left the office.  She knew Murphy was following her.  She turned back and asked, “Why are you following me?”
    “You’re acting different.”
    “I know.  I think I got my emotions scrambled last time Sariel touched me.”
    “He touched you?”
    “Yes, and I kneed him in the groin, so don’t you go getting any ideas.”
    “No, ma’am,” Murphy said, amused.  “Mia, are you happy?”
    Mia turned, looked at Murphy, and grinned.  “As happy as I can be, Murph.”
    “Good.  I worry about you.”
    “You worry about me?”
    “Why does Sariel keep bothering you?” Murphy asked.
    “I think it’s because there is going to be a battle, a war of some kind that involves the angels, birdmen, demons and superhumans.  I don’t know when or why it is, but Sariel wants me to fight beside him.  Angelo wants the same thing, but I have told both wingnuts that I have only one battle partner, and that is you, Stephen Murphy.”
    “Yes, you.  I think we dance quite well together, you old poop.”
    “Mia, I’m not much older than Burt.”
    “You’re a hundred and twenty years older than Burt, Murph.”
    “You know what I’m talking about.”
    “Yup.  I’m all itchy inside.  The only time I feel at ease is when…” Mia stopped, looked at her friend a

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