The Secrets of Ice Cream Success
Jedi Master voice, to the general
amusement of his sister.
    ‘ I know that.’
Carlo added wretchedly. ‘And anyway, I’m not the last Leodoni… I’m
just the last one here.’
    ‘ Same
difference.’ Abi pointed out.
    ‘ Look, are you
two girls quite finished?’ Ben asked bouncing up and down on his
    ‘ Why?’ asked
Abi looking, if anything, slightly more annoyed at her brother’s
term than Carlo.
    ‘ Coz you’ve
got to come and check this out. We’ve found something.’
    ‘ Where’ve you
been? Where’ve you been?’ Norton shouted as Ben, Abi and Carlo came
into view. They were standing at the very back of the factory next
to a door behind the last of the ice cream vans. The door was open
and Norton scampered inside followed by Ben and Newton.
    ‘ Hey!’ Carlo
shouted after them, ‘We can’t go in there; it says staff
    ‘ It’s your
factory, you doughnut!’ Ben shouted back to him.
    ‘ Which makes
us staff!’ Norton added.
    Abi shrugged when Carlo looked
at her and made to follow the boys. Noticing Carlo’s reluctance she
grabbed him by the arm and dragged him through the door with
    ‘ Have you not
found the lights yet?’ Carlo heard Ben ask from the pitch black
that was now surrounding them.
    ‘ What do you
think?’ Newton replied from the darkness.
    ‘ Careful, you
two,’ Ben said, ‘there’s steps in front of you. Wait a sec…
    A lighter lit up from somewhere
below them and Carlo and Abi could just make out some steps leading
down towards Newton, Ben and Norton who were gathered next another
much larger door. Carlo immediately saw the cause of all the
excitement and just in case he hadn’t he could see Norton hopping
from foot to foot in joy and pointing to a large sign on the door
that could easily be read in the gloom.
    ‘ Can we? Can
we?’ Norton pleaded.
    ‘ I dunno…
maybe we should ask Uncle Randy about it.’
    ‘ Logically, he
won’t be able to help.’ Newton pointed out. ‘He’s not a Leodoni and
the sign does seem to be very clear.’
    ‘ Yes it does,
which means that even if we do open it, I’d be the only one allowed
in.’ Carlo said, then waited until the expected chorus of
displeasure died down. ‘Look, we have no idea what’s in there. It’s
probably dangerous machinery or even just boring
    But even he was beginning to
lose heart in his own argument. What on earth could be behind the
door that even Randy had not been allowed to see?
    He looked at the eager faces of
his friends and instantly changed his mind. ‘Is it locked?’
    ‘ We don’t
know. We were waiting for you before we tried to open it.’ Norton
said, still hopping around impatiently.
    ‘ Yes, it’s
locked.’ Ben added slightly more honestly.
    Carlo pulled out the huge bunch
of keys that Randy had given him and began to search for one that
looked like it matched the lock. Ben held the lighter nearer to the
bunch and despite one or two interruptions as Norton excitedly
pushed his head in the way of the light so Carlo couldn’t see, they
soon picked out a key that looked big enough to fit the rather
ornate bronze lock on the door.
    Abi gently pushed Carlo towards
the door and the others crowded behind him looking over his
shoulder or in Norton’s case, under his arm.
    ‘ Go on,
Carlo.’ Newton urged, quietly.
    Carlo hesitated but then pushed
the key slowly into the lock and turned clockwise, yet it wouldn’t
turn. Norton groaned, but Newton reached out and gently twisted
Carlo’s hand the other direction producing a satisfying clunk.
Carlo took hold of the door handle and turned it before resting his
shoulder against the door and pushing. He had expected the large
door to need a bit of a shove, but despite being extremely heavy it
glided gently open with ease and having expected more resistance he
had to take a step forward to steady himself. Groping in the
shadows of the room, Carlo tied to find the

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