The Secrets of Ice Cream Success
intoned a voice from the
corner of the room. Carlo was sat behind the desk, flicking through
a large book.
    ‘ What’s that?’
Newton asked, walking over to him.
    Carlo looked up at his friend
and closed the book. ‘It’s a note book. I think it’s my Dad’s.’
    ‘ How do you
know the machine doesn’t work?’ Ben asked joining
    ‘ There’s a
picture of it in here on the second page; a sketch he drew ages
ago; but he didn’t make it… my Granddad did.’ Carlo re-opened the
book at the second page where there was an entry dated
19 th September 1972. He turned the book around to show the others
a number of pencil sketches and scribbles. ‘I think Granddad was a
bit of an amateur inventor. Look at that.’ Carlo said pointing to a
strange picture of a device that looked more like a power station
than anything that would be seen in ice-cream
    ‘ It appears to
be a steam powered ice maker.’ Newton said with a smile. ‘Your
Granddad seems to have been concerned that a lack of electricity
might prevent him making ice cream.’ Newton continued, still
staring at the note book. ‘Can I?’ he added to Carlo half turning
the page and indicating he would like to continue.
    ‘ Err… I don’t
know. It’s dated like it’s a diary. Perhaps you
    ‘ As you wish.’
Newton said with a shrug.
    ‘ As you wish?
There could be plans for an ice-cream powered rocket-ship in there.
We need to check!’ Norton whined.
    ‘ Carlo’s
right. We can’t just go reading his Dad’s diary. It’s not right.’
said Abi.
    ‘ But he won’t
know will he?’ Norton pleaded.
    ‘ Norton!’ Abi
said shocked.
    ‘ What? Mr
Leodoni isn’t going to mind is he? I mean when you’re dea…mwhh mwng
murfffle!’ he finished lamely as Abi put her hand over his mouth
and stared meaningfully into his eyes.
    Ben stepped in front of the
struggle blocking them from view and smiled at Carlo. ‘We won’t
read it, honest.’
    ‘ I just think
I should read it first, y’know?’
    ‘ Yeah… yeah,
ofcause you should.’ Newton said with a smile. ‘I’m sure you’ll let
us know if your Granddad thought of any ways that ice-cream can
save the whale.’
    Abi let go of Norton and
prodded him in the head. ‘Think!’ she said to him. ‘…Just
    Carlo closed the book gently
and pretended not have seen this exchange. He knew that the subject
of his father’s death made the others uncomfortable and he wanted
to tell them it was alright, but he hadn’t worked out how to do
this yet other than to just blurt it out. He ran his hand lightly
over the cover of the diary and smiled. He longed to go straight
home and start reading but joined the others exploring the rest of
the room.
    ‘ Your Granddad
was weird.’ Norton expounded looking at a grainy black and white
picture of Mr Leodoni Senior standing next to what appeared to be
refrigerated torture device, but turned out to be a new kind of
chocolate coating machine for ice lollies .
    ‘ The quick
freeze chocolate coater.’ Newton read over his shoulder.
    Abi was
reading aloud titles of books like “ Gelato
- Un Studio” and “Arte di Fare Gelato Italiano” whilst Ben
attempted to break into the cabinet that contained the large models
of old ice cream vans. He stopped when Abi threw him a disapproving
look. Eventually, as he realised that despite Granddad Leodoni’s
strange inventions there was nothing there to interest him further,
Norton began to make noises of boredom in the hope that the others
would take the hint. There was still lots of exploring to do back
up in the factory and as far as he was concerned books were things
that held computer game cheats and very little else. Catching Ben’s
eye Norton motioned with his head towards the stairs.
    Sighing, Ben
nodded and wandered towards the door. ‘We’re going back up.’ He
    ‘ Yeah. Nice
museum, Carlo. Dead interesting and stuff…’ Norton added before
pounding up the

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