The Sheik's Reluctant Lover

The Sheik's Reluctant Lover by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Sheik's Reluctant Lover by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
the corral .  Her father was working one of the new horses and she walked around to the opposite side so she could watch her dad and figure out where Rais would go next.  She was determined to avoid him as much as possible after their first two encounters today.  Well, three if she were to count seeing him in her father’s cottage when she first woke up. 
    On the opposite side of the corral , she watched as Rais stepped out into the sunshine as well.  He was so startlingly handsome with those dark, dangerous eyes.  And he had muscles no world leader should have.  She wondered how he worked out and would love to talk to him about his days, find out more what it was like to rule Dunari and all the problems he faced, but she didn’t think he would take her questions seriously.  At least not right now.
    He sauntered over to lean against the corral fence as well.  He took a spot directly opposite where she was standing so she couldn’t really miss him as she watched the horse run through some exercises.  The horse seemed to be showing off a bit but Rachel didn’t see much of the show.  What she saw was Rais , without any sunglasses, staring back at her.  She knew the exact moment that his eyes dropped from her eyes to her mouth because his hand came up, one finger rubbing along his own mouth. 
    The corral was wide, but not so wide that she didn’t realize that his eyes dropped once again, focusing on her breasts.  It was at that moment that she remembered that her shirt was too small and the gap showed off a little too much.  She gasped and reached down, tugging her shirt tails so that the gap wasn’t so apparent.  She glared at him when she caught him laughing at her movement.  And she thought she might actually hate him when his eyebrow went up.  Curse him!  There was no way he could tell that her nipples had hardened while he watched her.  He was too far away, there was no way he could know.  But they had .  And she actually thought her breasts had swelled slightly, as if he were caressing them, his mouth lowering to taste the peaks and…she shifted slightly and his grin widened once again.
    Was he actually making love to her in his mind out here by the corral ?  And how was it that she knew exactly what he was thinking? 
    No, she gasped when his eyes went even lower.  She shuffled her legs in the dust, her breathing ragged as her body responded to the heat in his eyes as he looked lower, his gaze focusing on the juncture of her legs. 
    She lowered her gaze, her eyes almost unwillingly lowering to find that his erection was more apparent. It wasn’t obscene at the moment, but she could easily distinguish the large indentation where it had previously been flat.  Her face paled and her eyes pulled away.  The excitement of a moment ago was gone, replaced by the panic she felt every time she thought about the intimate act.  She pulled away from the corral fence and shook her head slightly.  She turned to the left , terrified of the evidence in front of her but too flustered to figure out where she was or where to go .  She glanced back slightly, but only to see his face while she walked over to say something to her father. 
    She must have said something that convinced her dad that she was okay, because he patted her shoulder and turned back to give additional instructions to the training assistant who was in the corral with the horse. 
    She hurried down the path and turned the corner around the stable.  When she was finally out of sight, she leaned against the stable wall and took deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down.  She h ated the way she reacted to the idea of sex every time.  She was just fine with her dates up until the point that they wanted to discuss becoming intimate, but then she just shut down.
    She’d never had a full blown panic attack though. Nothing like this had ever happened and she had to concentrate to keep herself from hyperventilating. 
    Perhaps it was because

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