early before her meeting with Casie and to pray through the town. Since she didn't know what to expect when she got there, she decided to leave Jo at home. When she drove into town and asked the Lord where to begin, He led her to Sierra Crest. She sat in the parking lot worshipping and praying until she felt released, then she drove up and around the back of the property.
As Nicole reached the top, she passed the remains of an old garage of which the front and one side were missing. As she passed by, she had the impression that she had missed something. She stopped the truck and immediately thought what a silly goose she was for thinking something like that; but then she decided that it wouldn't hurt to just back up and check it out. And sure enough, there on the back wall of the building was a painting of a huge demon, and it was extremely detailed.
Blindness and Confusion who had been given the task of guarding the painting suddenly came to attention as this woman of God and several large guardian angels sitting on the front and back of the truck, backed up and studied their assignment. Confident that she would not see past them, they laughed loudly and mocked her ignorance. They suddenly stopped laughing as she began to pray and Jair, the illuminating one, stuck his head out the window. He and Cantor had switched places for the day.
"Lord Jesus, what is this thing? And what do you want me to do about it?"
Nicole immediately knew that she needed to bring Casie back here to see it. She picked up her cell phone.
"Hey Case, can you meet me right now? There's something you've got to see!"
"What is it?"
"Just meet me in the parking lot at Sierra Crest and I'll show you."
Ten minutes later, Nicole drove Casie up to the garage.
"You've got to be kidding me," Casie exclaimed as she stepped out of the truck.
They walked into the building to get a closer look. It was definitely a demonic looking face, but there was a lot of detail and hidden meaning in the drawing.
"What do you think it is? What does it mean?" Nicole asked.
Casie pointed to the forehead. "The most obvious thing is the inverted pentagram. The star with the point down shows that this has something to do with Satanism and the occult. The pentagram that Wiccans use is not inverted. But I think we better pray before we continue."
So they prayed for protection and for understanding, wisdom, knowledge and discernment, and then they began to quietly walk around listening and waiting for direction. Casie had her back turned to the painting when she suddenly cried out, "I know what this is!"
Her sudden outburst startled Nicole, and then she asked, "What?"
Without even looking at the picture again, Casie said, "It's Incubus Succubus! Look at the eyes. They're slightly different because one is male and the other is female."
Both ladies turned back to the painting, and what Casie said was true. The female eye had long eye lashes, and the male did not.
"There's another hidden meaning in the eyes," Nicole said. "Domination and control are huge with this spirit. Look at how the male eye is higher than the female's, representing male dominance."
"Wow! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this revelation and for confirmation of who the principality over Samaria is!" Casie prayed.
Then she said, "There is so much detail here that I think is really important. The ears have earrings in them; not sure if that's important or not. And hey, there's something else. On the male side, there is a ram's horn protruding from his eye and over his ear, which we know is a symbol of Satan."
"Oh my goodness, I see it!" Nicole said. "The nose and the right cheek look like they are made with letters. They have to mean something."
"Hmmm…, is it Sion, Slon, Cion, Gion? I'm not sure, but I agree that it's important," Casie said.
"Why do you think the S, C or G on the nose has an elongated, thin oval in it?" As Nicole
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman