The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Bowser
stood looking at the image, she suddenly saw it. 
    "Casie!  That's not a letter at all.  It's a penis!" 
    Casie studied it and agreed.  She laughed and said, "I know this isn't funny, but who would ever think of a penis being on a face?" 
    Nicole said, "The elongated oval and the two dots inside the circle of the male sex organ must mean something…Wait!  The oval is representative of a female vagina." 
    "You may be right.  I wonder what the two dots could mean," Casie thought out loud as she began searching the web on her phone.   "Ok, you aren't going to believe this!  In numerology, two dots signify the womb."
    "So we have a vagina and a womb encircled inside a penis."
    "Not only that," Casie said.  "When you said encircled, I realized that another hidden meaning is what the occult calls the magic circle or boundaries of power.  The vagina and womb are inside such a circle, representing the power of sex."
    Nicole clapped her hands together in excitement.  "Wow!  We prayed for understanding and God is answering our prayer!  Think about it.  The inverted pentagram and the ram's horn signify the occult; the male and female eyes represent its identity; and the penis and vagina characterize its function or purpose which is worship through bondage, manipulation and control.  Ungodly sex is most often the open door."
    She pondered, "You know, if the remaining letters are ion, they could be a suffix like in the word un ion ."
    "And commun ion !" Casie enthusiastically exclaimed.  "It's amazing that these two words are what came to mind!  Godly sex is one of the deepest expressions of worship.  It is communion (relationship and connection) with God as well as a union or merging between a married man and woman, husband and wife.  The opposite is true in ungodly sex.  It is a connection with demons as well as an ungodly union between two people.  Exactly what Satan or IS is after.  Worship."
    Nicole closed her eyes and said, "Now I think I understand the vision the Lord gave me this morning as I was praying and worshipping out front in the parking lot."
    Casie smiled.  "Tell me!"
    "I saw that the skin around my heart had been pulled back so that my heart was exposed and I could see it beating.  It wasn't painful at all, but I did feel vulnerable.  Then I saw Jesus standing a few feet away from me.  He held out His arms inviting me to come to Him.  As I came close, I noticed that His heart was bare as well and I could see it beating.  He pulled me to Him in an embrace and our hearts touched and became one.  It was the most amazing experience!  I felt as if Jesus and I were of one heart.  I had His heart for just a moment, and it was pure love.  I think that He was showing me a glimpse of what true worship is."
    "Wow!" Casie exclaimed.  "That's beautiful!  It reminds me of Ezekiel 11:17-20 .  "‘Thus says the Lord God : …I will give you the land of Israel.' And they will go there, and they will take away all its detestable things and all its abominations from there.   Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh , that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God."  
    "God is unmasking the spirit of Incubus Succubus and is showing us just how perverted and far from true worship Satan has taken us," Nicole said.
    She thought for a moment then said, "This painting is a depiction of a male and female as one entity.  I feel that in itself is an important key.  IS may very well play a large role in the unleashing of homosexuality in our society along with the confusion, chaos and destruction it is inflicting in the world."
    "I'm sure it does," Casie agreed.  "Think of the sexual confusion homosexuals must experience.  Once they give in to a homosexual relationship and IS gains influence over them, they often begin to

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