The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Bowser
take on the role of the opposite gender from what they were born into.  A depiction of male and female in one, just as you described the nature of IS."
    "There is still the comic-like cloud around the pentagram.  I wonder if it is important," Nicole asked.
    Casie stepped further away from the painting, examining it from a distance.  "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed.  "It is so obvious I don't know how we missed it!"
    "What?" Nicole asked as she went to stand next to Casie.
    "Look at how the bottom of that cloud comes to a point and goes straight into the forehead."
    Nicole gasped.  "The mind!  The only power Satan has over us is what we believe in our minds!"
    "Yes because we act on what we believe!  The power of the occult is suggested through the cloud radiating power from the pentagram and projecting it into its intended target, which is the mind.  If it can penetrate the mind through a false belief, then there is an open door for the demons working for IS, and he begins to influence, manipulate and then control as his victim falls more and more under his power."
    "We need to spend some time asking the Lord what He wants us to do about this," Nicole said.  "One thing I know is that Jesus' blood is able to set us free from all sin and bondage.  I think that there are many, even Christians, who feel hopelessly trapped under the bondage of this spirit."
    Casie agreed.  "Even though homosexuality is huge with this spirit, that isn't its only form of bondage.  There's pornography…well, I won't go into all of it now.  Let's just say that IS has many disguises.  And I think that another big one it has been hiding behind is the occult."
    "The scripture of hope that comes to my mind is Leviticus 17:11.  " For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.'"
    "I love that!" Casie said.  "Jesus' blood makes atonement for our soul !  Atonement is forgiveness and cleansing, and our soul is our mind, will and emotions.  It's the place inside of us where we struggle with ungodly desires and passions."
    "Exactly.  Our spirits may belong to God, but we need Jesus' blood to change our soul.  I know that this is His plan for us and for Samaria or He wouldn't be showing us these things. 
    Casie said, "This building is the highest in Samaria and has been claimed by the evil one.  There has been so much defilement that has happened here.  But the Lord God has begun to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen.  It will be a process of cleansing and warfare, but I believe that He is showing us that He not only wants the Inn, but Sierra Crest as well.  So in Jesus' name, I declare that from this day forward, this is holy ground and is set apart for the Lord God Almighty through the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus the Son."   
    "Yes!  Amen," Nicole agreed; and then she sighed.  "I just wish we had authority here." 
    "Well I know of one thing that I'm going to do," Casie said as she pushed her glasses up higher on her nose.  "The occultic ram's horn reminds me of a Shofar.  They have been used in worship of God from the beginning of time, and I just hate how Satan takes everything from God's Kingdom and perverts it.  I am going to bring my shofar up here and call upon the heavenly angels with as loud a blast as I can!"
    "I am so thankful that I listened to the Holy Spirit and came back for second look," Nicole said.  "Just think of all the graffiti that we drive by all the time and never pay attention to.  I wonder how much of it depicts other ruling spirits that need to be dethroned."
    Casie agreed.  "Gangs have gone from being just territorial warlords to being heavily involved in the occult.  If Christians would take the time to pray about and understand such things, they might be surprised at the spiritual victories they would experience."
    "So many people are in bondage to this

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