
Tolstoy by Rosamund Bartlett Read Free Book Online

Book: Tolstoy by Rosamund Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosamund Bartlett
    175.  Letopis' 2, 149.
    12 Elder, Apostate, and Tsar
    1. V. Bulgakov, L. N. Tolstoi v poslednii god ego zhizni, Moscow, 1989, 71—72.
    2. Roza Lyuksemburg, 'Lev Tolstoi', O Tolstom, ed. V. Friche, Moscow, 1928, 125. First published in Die Gleichheit, 3 December 1910.
    3. T. V. Komarova, ed., Druz'ya i gosti Yasnoi Polyane: materialy nauchnoi konferentsee posvyashchennoi 160-letiyu S. A. Tolstoi, Tula, 2006, 104.
    4. W. T. Stead, The Truth About Russia, London, 1888, 393.
    5. The book was published in 1889. See Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 75 (1965), vol. 1, 123.
    6. Eugene-Melchior de Vogüe, LeRoman russe, Paris, 1886.
    7. 'T. W. H.', 'The Russian School of Writers', Harper's Bazaar, 20, 38 (1887), 642.
    8. R. Löwenfeld, Leo N. Tolstoj. Sein Leben, seine Werke, seine Weltanschauung, Berlin, 1892; Evgeny Solov'ev, L. N. Tolstoi, ego zhizn i literaturnaya deyatel'nost'. Biograficheskii ocherk, St Petersburg, 1894.
    9. George Kennan, 'A Visit to Count Tolstoy', The Century, 34 (1887), 252—265; reprinted in Americans in Conversation with Tolstoy: Selected Accounts, 1887–1923, ed. Peter Sekirin, Jefferson, NC, 2006. This often valuable book is seriously undermined by its title. Apart from the obvious problem with the dates (Tolstoy died in 1910), many of the conversations are with people are who clearly not American, including Aylmer Maude, whose first name is misspelled 'Aymler' throughout.
    10. Darra Goldstein, 'Is Hay Only for Horses? Highlights of Russian Vegetarianism at the Turn of the Century', Food in Russian History and Culture, ed. Musya Glants and Joyce Toomre, Bloomington, 1997, 103—123.
    11. S. A. Tolstaya, Dnevniki v dvukh tomakh, ed. V. E. Vatsuro et al., 2 vols, Moscow, 1978, vol. 1, 122.
    12. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 224.
    13. E. E. Gorbunova-Posadova, Drug Tolstogo Mariya Aleksandrovna Shmidt, Moscow,19,13.
    14. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 245.
    15. Gorbunova-Posadova, Drug Tolstogo Mariya Aleksandrovna Shmidt , 73.
    16. L. D. Opul'skaya, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi: materialy k biografii's 1892po 1899 god [Opul'skaya 2], 11.
    17. Graham Camfield, 'From Tolstoyan to Terrorist: The Revolutionary Career of Prince D. A. Khilkov, 1900—1905', Revolutionary Russia, 12, 1 (1999), 2—3.
    18. Aylmer Maude, The Life of Tolstoy (rev. edn, Oxford, 1930), Ware, 2008, 626.
    19. N. N. Gusev, Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva L'va Nikolaevicha Tolstogo, 1891—1910 [Letopis' 2], Moscow, 1960, 683.
    20.  Letopisi Gosudarstvennogo literaturnogo muzeya, vol. 12: L. N. Tolstoi, vol. 1, Moscow, 1938, 114.
    21. V. A. Mazur, 'Khozhdenie po mukam knyazya Dmitriya Aleksandrovicha Khilkova', Izvestiya Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 15 (2000); http://proceedings.usu . ru/?base=mag/00i5(03_08—2000)&xsln=showArticle.xslt&id=a07&doc=../content.jsp
    22.  Letopis' 2, 111.
    23.  Letopis' 2, 155.
    24. E. Popov, Zhizn i smert'Evdokima Nikiticha Drozhzhina, 1866–1894, Berlin, 1895.
    25. Opul'skaya 2, 66—67.
    26. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: A Book About the Way and the Power of the Way, a new English version by Ursula K. Le Guin, with the collaboration of J. P. Seaton, Boston, 1998, 68.
    27. See, for example, N. Berdyaev, 'Vetkhii i novii zavet v religioznom soznanii L. Tolstogo', O religii L'va Tolstogo, Moscow, 1912, 172—195.
    28. M. V. Muratov, L. N. Tolstoi i V. G. Chertkov, Moscow, 1934, 231.
    29. For further details, see Andrew Donskov, ed., Sergej Tolstoy and the Doukhobors: A Journey to Canada, Ottawa, 1998, 3—8.
    30. See Andrew Donskov, ed., Leo Tolstoy-Peter Verigin: Correspondence, tr. John Woodsworth, Ottawa, 1995.
    31. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 245.
    32. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 227, 229.
    33. Leah Bendavid-Val, Song Without Words: The Photographs and Diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy, Washington DC, 2007, 78.
    34. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 236.
    35. Opul'skaya 2, 135.
    36. Vladimir Zhdanov, Lyubov'v zhizniL. N. Tolstogo (1928), Moscow, 2005,

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