Undead and Unemployed

Undead and Unemployed by MaryJanice Davidson Read Free Book Online

Book: Undead and Unemployed by MaryJanice Davidson Read Free Book Online
Authors: MaryJanice Davidson
then I had to… well, never mind…"
    "Suck blood from a would-be mugger?"
    "Would-be rapist, but never
, I said. I swear, the bad guys in this city are such idiots. When they see me throw their buddy ten feet, why do they assume I can't do the same thing to them? Anyway. Then I came home to the termite report."
    "It's probably just as well," Jessica said with a mouthful of toast. I shook crumbs out of my eyes as she continued, "It's not like you were in love with this house. Maybe it's time for some new digs."
    I didn't say anything, but I gave it some thought. I'd had the house for years… since I flunked out of college. My dad consoled me with a check for twenty thousand dollars, and I used it to put a hefty down payment on my little three-bedroom cottage. I'd outgrown the place years ago, but was too lazy to go through the work of selling and upgrading.
    "I've got some thoughts about that," she continued, taking a swallow of my tea. "You own the house free and clear, right?"
    "You know I do," I replied, exasperated. "You're the one who paid off the mortgage when I died."
    "Right, slipped my mind."
    "Sure it did."
    "Well, I vote we get my bug fella to spray. Then we list the house for pretty cheap. In this economy, in this suburb—"
    "Oh, here goes your anti-Apple Valley rant."
    "I'm sorry, I just think towns without a personality are lame," she said with the full snobbery of a twenty-nine-year-old billionaire. "It doesn't even have a real downtown. It exists because of Minneapolis. Bo-ring."
    "Snot." I
Apple Valley. If I wanted to go to the grocery store and the movie theater and get a hair cut and have a pancake breakfast and grab the latest J. D. Robb, I could do it all within the same half mile… and most of it in the same strip mall. "Big-city snot."
    She tipped her fingers at me—the nails were painted lime green, I noticed with a shudder—in a mock salute. "Anyway, I figure we could get one-fifty for it, easy. Even with termite damage. And we turn around and use it to put a down payment on something more fitting for our needs."
    "I'm getting rid of my apartment. Marc and I talked about it, and we agreed I should move in, too."
    "Did I miss another memo?"
    "No, just a meeting. We had it during the daytime."
    "I wish you'd stop doing that," I grumbled. I thought about protesting, but Jess was over here so often, she'd practically moved in, anyway. I figured I knew why, too. My death had really shaken her up. She didn't like letting me out of her sight anymore.
    And what did I care? The more the merrier. Ever since I found out monsters really do exist, I hadn't been crazy about coming home to an empty house.
    "So we're agreed? We'll fumigate, list the house, and find something a little bigger. Don't worry about a thing, Bets. Marc and I will house-hunt during the day."
    I drank my tea.
    "What, you want my approval? I'm just the figurehead."
    "Well, that's true."
    "But you're sure cute," Marc teased. "Even if your Macy's name tag is upside down."
    A few nights later, I woke up to a world of sky blue. I had a moment of total confusion—had I fallen asleep outside? Then I realized Marc had written a note on a Post-It and stuck it to my forehead while I slept. Bastard.
    Supervamp: We accepted the offer on the house, and Jessica's found us a new place. Meet us at 607 Summit Ave, 10:00 p.m . to check out the new digs.
    Oh, Lord, what did she do? I crumpled the note in my fist. Summit Avenue? I did
like the sound of that.
    I looked around my room. There were six empty boxes stacked neatly in the corner. An unsubtle hint to pack.
    I showered, changed clothes, and brushed my teeth. I had no idea if other vampires still brushed their teeth, and I didn't care. Think of the morning breath of someone who drank blood for supper! I flossed, too. And used mouthwash, although the sharp medicine-mint smell was enough to make me gag.
    I was getting ready to walk out the door (after

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