looks and broad shoulders, smirked at us. For the first time,
I noticed he dressed pretty damned well on a cop's salary. That was an Armani hanging off
his swimmer's shoulders, if I wasn't mistaken.
"Did I come at a bad time?" he asked, grinning, and it took all I had not to slam the door in his stupid, rich, cop face.
Chapter 13
I should explain that before I died, Nick and I had been almost friends. When I'd been
attacked by the Fiends outside Kahn's Mongolian Barbecue (the heavy garlic I'd used had
saved my life; the Fiends had nibbled and fled instead of really going to town on my
gizzard), he'd been the cop to take my report. We'd occasionally shared a candy bar and, if
not friends, had at least been friendly.
Then I'd risen from the dead and, completely unaware of my undead sex appeal, left Nick
panting after me. Sinclair had to mind-wipe him, including the part about me dying.
Trouble was, it wore off. Or my mind-wipe had been stronger than the king's. Either way,
we found out a couple months ago that he knew what we were, knew what we did, knew
what we had done to him, and pretty much hated us.
So out of guilt, I usually try to be super nice and accommodating whenever he came
Except, of course, right now.
"Nobody's having any meeting until you two jerks tell me when you set this up!"
Nick arched his brows at my husband. "You didn't tell her?"
"I was hoping," he said stiffly, "she would be out shoe shopping."
"Well, the joke's on you, asshat! Ha! I went shoe shopping last week! So there!" I jerked my pointing finger away from my husband and jabbed it at Nick, who flinched. "So talk!
Are you here to kill me?" (Man, the number of times I had to ask this question in a
month... )
"No, my captain said I couldn't, unless I could prove in court you were a vampire."
I nearly fell down in the foyer. "What?" I gasped, barely hanging on to the doorknob.
"Kidding. Come sit down before you stroke out." Nick pushed past us and, like robots, we
Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( http://www.novapdf.com ) followed him into one of the parlors.
Chapter 14
"So!" he said with faux brightness. "Set up a meeting with your wife, which you didn't share with your wife. I love open marriages, don't you?"
Since I'd been having some doubts in that area myself, all I could do was scowl at Sinclair
while smiling at Nick, which gave me an instant migraine. "How can I help you, Nick? Did
you want to see Jess? Oh, wait – " I should offer him a drink. But what did he drink? Was it Sprite, or Coke? Wait. I drank Coke. I –
"Detective Berry," Tina said demurely. She entered, eyes lowered, and offered him a tray on which were a tall glass full of Sprite, another glass full of ice, a silver ice picker-upper,
a small bowl of sliced lemons and limes, and a big, thick, cloth napkin. Also, there was –
"My queen," she said in a soft voice, gaze on the carpet. I took the iced Coke (with a
wedge of lime, just the way I liked it), and Tina managed to somehow glide away while
not looking at anyone, yet giving the impression of instant service, should anyone need a
refill. This, I had since learned, was the height of vampiric etiquette. It's tough to do the
vampire mojo and work your will on the poor human if you're not looking them in the eye.
I thirstily slurped my Coke, amazed all over again at Tina's unflagging efficiency. Super
secretary, maid, waitress, Sinclair's right hand, and she'd been loyal to me from the
moment the vampires threw me into Nostro's pit of despair. I couldn't help but admire her,
but I never forgot the basic fact: her loyalty, always, was to Sinclair first. Her loyalty to
me was because I was his wife.
The day I forgot that might be a short damn day.
"Good service around here," Nick said, slurping his Sprite and chewing enthusiastically on his lemon wedge.
"Oh, like you're not used to it at the Deere family compound," I snapped, chomping into