Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
what with the
terrible cold spell we’ve been having.”
    Mrs. Farthing waved away her concerns. “Not at all,
my Lady. As you can see, we’re kept busy, but what you’ve managed
to provide is far more generous than anything we could’ve imagined.
Granted, the cold has us packed full at night, but we’re managing
just fine. Would you like to take a look around?”
    “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your work
    “Och, not at all. Come.” With that Mrs. Farthing
bustled Phoebe along into the shelter.
    Phoebe spent the next half hour in Mrs. Farthing’s
company, as they toured the kitchens, the pantries, the schoolroom,
and infirmary. The young worked amongst their elders, making sure
everything that needed doing got done. With the temperatures
driving most indoors, the sleeping quarters had been expanded to
accommodate as many bodies as possible. Phoebe was pleased to see
the new beds she had recently purchased were being put to good use,
the needy already starting to arrive for the night. Throughout,
there were improvements— the broken windows had been replaced, the
walls were freshly whitewashed— and though the changes were small,
they made a significant difference.
    Everything was running far better than she could
have hoped for. Since those who took advantage of the services
offered were also required to participate and help in maintaining
the shelter, a sense of pride and self-respect was starting to root
in their battered souls.
    At the end of the tour, Phoebe reached out and took
Mrs. Farthing’s hand. “I cannot thank you enough for all your hard
work— not only yours, but indeed, everyone here who has
contributed. It warms my heart to see the good that is being
    Mrs. Farthing gave Phoebe’s hand a squeeze, a smile
gracing her weathered face. “Well, none of it could’ve been
possible without your help. Now surely you’re not going to wander
the streets after dark on your own?” Phoebe barely had the chance
to protest when Mrs. Farthing cut her off. “At the very least, let
me have Samuel escort you,” she clucked, and she sent a girl to
fetch Samuel.
    Phoebe knew from experience that arguing would do
nothing but cause delay, so she waited patiently by the door. She’d
have Samuel take her just far enough to catch a coach to Viridis,
where Gabriel would be readying everything for tonight’s shows.
    Samuel appeared, a gangly youth surprisingly tall
for his years of seventeen, and gallantly held the door open for
her. A wall of arctic cold hit her in the face when she stepped out
onto the street, the thick layer of frost on the cobbles crunching
under foot. Together, they kept a brisk pace, heads bowed down
against the wind.
    Night had fallen with a moonless sky, and the only
light afforded them was the dim, sooty glow of the street lamps and
the occasional shop and tavern window. The walkways were still
crowded with people wrapping up their day and trying to find some
    The roads started to widen, and Phoebe knew they
would find a main thoroughfare soon. Her face was numb from the
cold, her shoulders tight and starting to cramp with the effort of
trying to keep warm. She dreaded to think of those who would spend
the night exposed to the elements with no place to take shelter. It
was why the Cause was so important and the reason there was
revolution in the air.
    “Ye should be able to get yerself a coach just
ahead. It won’t be long now.”
    “Thank you, Samuel. If you want to head back, I
should be fine.” She hated him having to be out in these
temperatures any longer than was necessary.
    “Nonsense. ‘Tis not a problem, and Mrs. Farthing
would have my hide otherwise.” He gave Phoebe a crooked smile that
lit up his eyes. She was sure more than a few of the girls at the
shelter had already fallen for his charms.
    He stepped toward the curb. “This should do. I’ll
just try and track ye down a ride. Shouldn’t be but a minute.”
    “ Phoebe? What are you

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