this is just too hardcore, Westmore thought through his crushed post-orgasmic daze, because now her lips were sucking the globs of sperm off his chin and throat, then lowering to suck all the mucoid splotches out of his shirt fabric. Well, he thought, this definitely takes the cake for Middle-Aged Male Sex Fantasy Come True.
After several minutes, the shirt had been sucked clean. Easter's ever-present smile turned slightly lewd now; the click of her throat as she swallowed made Westmore's penis cringe.
"That was...shit. Just great," he uttered, parched. "Thank you..."
She laughed, helping him pull his pants back up and re-fasten them. "Ain't no need ta thank me fer jerkin' ya off. It ain't no big deal..."
Speak for yourself... He looked at her one more longing time as she pulled her smock back up and, more than anything, it was unconscious when he grated, "You really are beautiful, Easter..."
Her smile beamed as a tear glittered in her eye. "That just makes me feel heavenly 'cos it reminds me of what Noot used ta tell me all the time, and the way you been lookin' at me all day? Same way Noot used ta look at me..."
Westmore was stifled. The entire ordeal —and the entire day—seemed so odd, unlikely, and fascinating.
She rechecked her rucksack, making sure the memo-corder was there, and then some sadness seeped into her smile. "It's time fer us ta part, Westmore. We won't be seein' each other again, but...thank you fer all ya done."
Westmore stared at her. "I'd like to stop by sometime. I could...take you to dinner or something," but then he winced at the ludicrousness of what he'd said.
"Naw, see, with Noot dead now, I'll be movin' on — movin' out the area I'se mean..."
He didn't know why, but her response seemed either stilted or ominous. He wanted to ask her where she'd be moving to but then he realized that would be futile. It would put her on the spot, so all he said was, "You have my best wishes."
"And you got mine!" the spirit of her voice returned. She gave him the tiniest peck on the lips. "And good luck with yer book 'bout Crafter..."
He laughed despondently. "The only reason I'll be able to write the damn thing is because of you."
But her eyes narrowed suddenly as if through some reflection. "Well, wait a sec. Now's that I think of it..." She rummaged through the rucksack and from the binder slid out the loose manuscript sheets and her grandfather's phonetic translations. "It just now come ta my mind that I don't need any'a this, so..." She offered him the loose —and possibly priceless-sheets. "I want you ta have 'em."
Westmore was waylaid. "Easter, there's no way I can accept those sheets. They're your most valued family possessions; they're your heirlooms."
"Naw. Please make me happy'n take 'em. What I need 'em for? But, you, you got a interest in 'em, and smart as you is —a book-writer—you can study 'em and one day find out what they'se all about."
"I can't take them," Westmore said as much as he would like to.
"You can, Westmore. It's only 'cos of the way you are, that's how I trust ya with 'em. It's best that you have 'em, and Grandpop Orne'd shorely want ya ta have 'em. I trust in my heart that a good person like you'd never use none'a this fer somethin' bad."
She put the sheets in his lap.
As he stared at them, he could hear his own watch tick. I can't! his thoughts thundered, but when he looked up to object, Easter was already out of the car. She closed the door and smiled in through the window.
'"Bye, Westmore. May all yer dreams come true..."
He opened his mouth to speak but she was already fading away, blending into the moon-tinseled dark that cloaked her ramshackle abode. She waved briefly at the front door, then was gone.
Westmore let out the longest sigh of his life. He started the car, gave the house a final glance, and drove away.
You're beaming when you come back into your shack. The after-taste of Westmore's jism seems to hum in your mouth. You feel light on