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Book: yame by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
your feet, not because you gave a man an orgasm but because he wanted you to. You're determined now, and confident, that you can make Noot want you to as well.
    Because, even after all of this heartbreak, he is your everything.
    Blubber thunks into the front room, his warped, corpulent face glowing faintly from the candle he holds. "Hi, Blubber. I'se back like I said I'd be."
    The boy stares, drooling.
    "You put Linette in the ground?"
    He nods jerkily, and snorts, "Gyuh-gyuh-gyesss."
    "Thank you, Blubber. What a fine boy you are." You set down the rucksack on the table Noot built with his own hands. You remove the little recorder, and also the fifty-six dollars that your daughter had earned so filthily. "Oh, I'se plumb fergot. Take this money'n buy yerself somethin' tomorrow. It's fer all ya done fer me," and then you give it to him.
    His grimly hand takes it; his crossed eyes register some aspect of explosive acknowledgment. Bits of spittle fly off his swollen lips when he attempts: "Thhhhyak-thhyak...thhyank you."
    "Why, you're quite welcome," but your eyes turn more serious. "A'course, there's still a few things I need ya to do fer me 'fore ya earned that money proper. Like I 'splained the other day?"
    He nods again.
    "And ya gots ta do these things 'zackly like I say, 'cos if'n ya don't... Why, that'd just mess me all up, and you wouldn't want that, would ya?"
    The question stirs an obvious frenzy in the bed-immed mind. "Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nnnnnnno!"
    You smile, and pat his flinty cheek. "I know ya wouldn't, Blubber. Now go outside'n pull the cord on the gas generator like ya did earlier, then come back inta the bedroom."
    Blubber hands you the candle and staggers out the front door.
    You seem to glide to the bedroom. It's a good thing you'd left the door and window closed because Noot's collapsed corpse shows no signs yet of insect infestation. The room smells sour, however, sour and pissy and rank, but that's no matter. Soon such things will mean nothing. You drop the straps on your garment and it slides down your body. The faint yellowy candlelight illumines your reflection in the old mirror, and your image smiles back at you, soft and sedate and nude. Your nipples and sex tingle.
    You kneel at Noot's body and push him over on his back. The fan of gore on the wall and floor have congealed. Noot's mouth hangs open while his eyes remained closed. The hole in the side of his head looks like a crater full of chunks of meat but even in the visual atrocity, your smile fixes on his serene face and enticing body.
    Your hand plays with the dead genitals. It's such an odd notion but you simply can't abide the knowledge of what's on it, so you lower your face and begin to suck it, limp and shriveled as it is. You suck it clean because you don't want any of Linette's private juices on it. The very idea offends you.
    To anyone else that act would be unspeakable: you're sucking a corpse's cock. But to you...
    You're giving succor to the man you love.
    The room's single lamp flickers several times, but then the bulb glows steadily bright. Outside, you hear the chugging of the generator.
    You're standing when Blubber fumbles into the room. His heavy lower lip hangs, showing ruined teeth. He snorts a whine in the surprise that you're naked now; he rubs his crotch.
    "None'a that now, hon. You can do that later, after you're back home, okay?"
    He nods dumbly.
    "'Cos right now? Ya still got a few things ta do." You walk to the nightstand where you've placed the recorder, and as you address Blubber, you choose your words wisely. "What'cher gonna see now, Blubber, is somethin' ya ain't gonna be able ta understand. All ya need ta know is it's, well, it's magic." Your eyes look at him more deeply. "So's don't be alarmed by what'cha see," and then...
    Then you press the small button on the recorder, and Westmore's words begin to issue out...


    Westmore drove wide-eyed down dark, winding roads. Some of his daze lingered. Did any of that

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