Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo
forced him to take two steps backwards. Adder finished his attack by slashing the tip of the werebear's front leg and sliced off two toes.

Tracas roared in pain. The brown werebear raised his claws over his shoulders and they came crashing down on Adder. BlitzSturm blocked one of the claws, but the second one scratched Adder's right shoulder. The werebear's claws got drenched in Adder's blood and he followed up his successful attack with an uppercut. Adder got blown backwards once more and his life bar now displayed (175,185/217,750 HP).

Adder could clearly see a smirk on the brown werebear’s furry face. He got up and taunted the werebear to come at him.  As the therianthrope rushed forward, Adder met his attack with his double-bladed sword. As soon as he felt the werebear's claws parry his weapon to the side, Adder followed the direction of that force and turned his body in one fluid motion. BlitzSturm slashed the werebear’s arms twice as it completed a full turn. He felt it make contact with his opponent’s bones, but failed to slice through them.

He instantly backed away as he had learned the timing of the werebear's counterattack, but was still taken by surprise when the therianthrope managed to reach him despite his injured toe. Adder was blown backwards again and hit one of his Centaur subordinates behind him. Frustrated, he stabbed the werewolf his comrade was fighting and hurried back to face his opponent. He proceeded with caution and observed the therianthrope's life bar, which displayed (328,901/360,000 HP).

While Adder was thinking about what to do against the brown werebear, multiple Heal Balls hit his back and filled his life bar to 100%.

"Life team, please focus on healing the other guild members." ordered Adder, as he observed that most of his allies had life bars below 50%. Even with a full life bar, he still had less HP than the brown werebear. Despite thinking that he still needed more training to properly handle his new fighting style, Adder decided to use it now.

"Trager, my shield please." he shouted to the bulky Centaur. Immediately afterwards, Trager kicked away the werewolf he was fighting and threw Condortl's Emerald Tower Shield in his direction. Adder easily caught the griffon-embossed shield with his right hand and brought it to the ground with a loud sound.


Equipped with his massive BlitzSturm in his regrown left arm and the Condortlian shield in his right, Adder dashed forward with the shield in front of him. The brown werebear tried his Double Slash attack, but Adder held his ground and wasn't pushed back at all. With the werebear's claws still on his shield, he lifted it up and swung his double-bladed sword across the therianthrope's stomach. The brown werebear brought his arms down in defense, but his already-injured arm was then targeted once more. This time, Adder's BlitzSturm sliced through the bone.

The brown werebear's mouth widened and instinctively came down on Adder. However, the werebear's teeth were met with an emerald and obsidian-colored shield.


Adder used Emerald Bash and stunned the werebear for three seconds. With his opponent immobilized, Adder then used his shield's strongest ability—Emeridian Slash. A green light radiated from the embossed griffon. For a brief moment, Condortl's legendary creature came to life and slashed the brown werebear with its claws. As the therianthrope's defense was temporarily reduced to zero, Adder quickly brought down his heavy weapon and made a deep cut across his opponent's body. He was about to perform another attack when the brown werebear finally came to and raked his claws across Adder's face, forcing him to back away.

Blood flowed down Adder's face from where the werebear's claws left their mark. He checked the therianthrope's life bar once more and saw that it was quickly brought down to 30%. He steeled his resolve and charged towards the brown werebear.

Suddenly, Tracas spoke to him. "You're

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