Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo
some of the other werewolves to our fold. I'm sure we can figure out—"


"Shut up!" yelled Tracas. His voice sounded unnatural, as if two persons were speaking in unison. He opened his mouth wide and took a bite out of Adder's shoulder.

Adder bit his lip as he muffled his pain. Tracas' bite reduced his life bar to 50% and inflicted him with Bleeding status.

"Werebears are special! As a Sonstwelter, that rogue werebear is even more so," he said in a confused voice, mostly composed of a child's, after spitting out a chunk of Adder's flesh. "She was never meant to be one of Lady Horrabelle's creations."

Tracas suddenly released his hold on Adder and turned away from him. Bewildered, he paced in front of him and began talking to himself in a hushed voice. "Snap out of it. Snap out of it." Tracas slapped himself and said in a child-like voice, "But he could save us. We don't have to be a monster anymore."


Tracas scratched himself across the chest as he spoke to himself in his regular voice. "Be quiet! The Tracas who lives now is the one who lives for lady Horrabelle."

A confused Adder stared blankly at the brown werebear as he kept scratching and biting himself. Tracas finally stopped and calmed down. With a trembling face, he turned to Adder and said, "I beg of you...kill me. Free me from this body. End my curse!"

"No! We can still save you," Adder replied hurriedly.

Tracas continued talking in a child's voice, "There is no cure for a werebear Zect—" Without finishing his sentence, he suddenly roared and charged straight for Adder with his remaining paw arched over his shoulder, about to perform a strong attack.


Adder's BlitzSturm was propelled backwards. If it weren't for his Death Grip ability, his weapon would have been knocked out of his hand.

Tracas' claws swiftly came around for one more attack and left another set of claw marks across Adder's chest. The brown werebear followed up with a kick to the stomach, which knocked Adder three meters back and made him lie flat on the ground. The therianthrope then stepped on Adder's chest and kept him pressed down.

"Our last massacre wasn't enough to erase you, huh?" sneered Tracas as he spoke to himself. "We are stronger. I’ll show him the animal we’ve become because of him!"

The Condortlian Warriors around them were oblivious to their conversation; all they saw was Adder getting intentionally hit. One of the Warriors who was fighting a werewolf near them yelled out, "What in Cuezaltzin's name are you doing? You can't die here, Adder!"

"Stay out of this, you loudmouth!" Tracas yelled at the Warrior and charged straight for him. The Warrior reflexively tried to block the werebear’s attack, which gave the werewolf he was fighting an opportunity to grab hold of his arms. Tracas' claws went straight for the Condortilian's heart and yanked it out. The Warrior's life bar instantly dropped to zero.

With a bloody heart in his paw, Tracas raised it above his head and yelled to the Condortlians nearby, "This is what I'll do to all of you!" He opened his mouth wide and wolfed down the heart in a savage manner.


The moment he gulped it down, Adder's BlitzSturm appeared out of nowhere and went straight through his stomach.

Adder's body moved on its own. His double-bladed sword sliced sideways and exited out of Tracas' body.

"Forgive me…." Adder spoke with sorrow as he stared at the blood dripping from his sword, unable to force himself to meet Tracas’ gaze.

The brown therianthrope dropped to his knees, clutching his cut side. "Liar...I told you he was a liar," he spoke to himself as blood gushed out of his mouth. "Just like when he promised he’d keep Condortl safe."

The brown werebear's life bar dropped to 5% and was steadily going down at a fast rate due to Bleeding status. "You're a hypocrite, Adder. You pretend to be a hero out to save the world, but you can't even protect your own people."

Adder fell

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